104th parish slava in Aliquippa

104th parish slava in Aliquippa
104th parish slava in Aliquippa
104th parish slava in Aliquippa
104th parish slava in Aliquippa

The parish of the Holy Prophet Elijah in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania festively celebrated its 104th annual parish slava on Sunday, August 5, 2018.

As with many past celebrations, this one took place on a hot and humid day under plenty of sunshine, typical of this time of year in Western Pennsylvania.  The sweltering climate could not diminish the enthusiasm of the parishioners in their celebration of their heavenly patron, the Holy Prophet Elijah, and the commemoration of the parish’s 104 years of ministry to the Aliquippa community.

Diocesan Day 2018

Diocesan Day 2018
Diocesan Day 2018
Diocesan Day 2018
Diocesan Day 2018

Again, this year the Diocesan Day was traditionally celebrated at the Holy Mother of God Monastery at Shadeland.  The Divine Liturgy was served on Saturday, August 4, 2018 at the Monastery Church.

His Grace Irinej, the Bishop of Eastern America, led the clergy and the faithful in the Eucharistic gathering. There were twenty priests and hieromonks, two deacons, two subdeacons and many children in attendance. On this special occasion, The Holy Trinity Cathedral Choir from Pittsburgh sung the responses, joined by campers and their parents, relatives, counselors, and volunteers.

Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru

Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru
Metropolitan Amfilohije in Peru

Постојање православне заједнице у Ајакучоу велики благослов

Његово Високопреосвештенство Архиепископ цетињски и Митрополит црногорско-приморски г. Амфилохије служио је на празник Светог апостола Матије и Светог мученика Антонија свету архијерејску Литургију у манастиру Пресвете Богородице Утешитељке у граду Ајакучо у Перуу. Саслуживали су архимандрит Рафаило (Чепрњић), протојереј-ставрофор Драган Митровић и протођакон Владимир Јарамаз.

Patron’s feat- day of the Cathedral church in Zagreb

Patron’s feat- day of the Cathedral church in Zagreb
Patron’s feat- day of the Cathedral church in Zagreb
Patron’s feat- day of the Cathedral church in Zagreb
Patron’s feat- day of the Cathedral church in Zagreb

In Zagreb the patron’s feat-day of the Cathedral church was solemnly celebrated on the feast day of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ, 19 August 2018.

The festivity began with a festal vigil service and was finished with the Holy Liturgy on the feast-day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana officiated the Divine Liturgy. His Eminence was concelebrated by protopresbyter Spiridon Tsimuris from the Greek Orthodox Church, protopriest Nikola Pocuca from the Diocese of Budim and priests and deacons of the Cathedral church of Zagreb. The Liturgy was also attended by H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Croatia Mrs. Mira Nikolic.

Patriarch consecrates Saint Sava Chuch in Mrkonjic Grad

Patriarch consecrates Saint Sava Chuch in Mrkonjic Grad
Patriarch consecrates Saint Sava Chuch in Mrkonjic Grad
Patriarch consecrates Saint Sava Chuch in Mrkonjic Grad
Patriarch consecrates Saint Sava Chuch in Mrkonjic Grad

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej consecrated the church of Saint Sava in Mrkonjic Grad, Bosnia, on 2 August 2018. For the glory of the Lord, the founder Mr. Mladen Milanovic presented the beautiful church to His Church and the Serbian people.

The Patriarch was concelebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana and Their Graces Bishops Jefrem of Banjaluka, Teodosije of Raska-Prizren, Gerasim of Gornji Karlovac and Sergije of Bihac-Petrovac, as well by  abbot of the monastery of Chilandar Archimandrite Metodije as well as Archimandrites Vasilije (Kostic) from Greece and Stefan from the Velika Remeta monastery, hieromonk Metodije Kragulj, protopresbyter-stavrophor Vojo Balaban, archpriest Dragan Maksimovic, protodeacon Radojica Zagran and deacon Zoran Djuric. President of Republic of Srpska MIlorad Dodik and Prime Minister of the Government of Republic of Srpska were present at the Liturgy.