Steubenville celebrates Choir's 75thAnniversary

Steubenville celebrates Choir's 75thAnniversary
Steubenville celebrates Choir's 75thAnniversary
Steubenville celebrates Choir's 75thAnniversary
Steubenville celebrates Choir's 75thAnniversary

The weekend of September 8-9 will long be remembered by the parishioners of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Steubenville, Ohio as a dual celebration: the marking of their Petar Krstich Choir's 75thAnniversary and the first canonical visit of His Grace Bishop Irinej to the parish.

A highlight of the weekend and a special joy for the choir was the presence and honoring of the founder of the choir, Protinica Miryana Trbuhovich, by His Grace, the parish, the choir, and the entire Serbian Orthodox Church.

American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida

American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida

With the blessing of the His Grace the Right Reverend Irinej, Bishop of Eastern America, on September 15, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Serbia and the United States in World War I.

Screens, Teens and Faith

“What’s the downside to having a smartphone? There is none,” says the 13-year-old girl in “Screenagers,” a documentary recently shown at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Akron.

Dr. Georgette Constantinou, a pediatric psychologist with Akron Children’s Hospital, sees the situation differently: “We have to teach [children] the down side and how to use digital devices responsibly.”

American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida

American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida

With the blessing of the His Grace the Right Reverend Irinej, Bishop of Eastern America, on September 15, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Serbia and the United States in World War I.

Thanks to the city of North Port and the representatives of the government Jill Luke, Commissioner, and Linda Yates, Vice-Mayor of North Port, FL, that supported us at the celebration on the historic occasion of commemorating the centennial of President Woodrow Wilson’s "Proclamation" of the Day of Prayer for Serbia and The Day the Serbian Flag flew at the White House, on July 28, 1918 and the centenary of the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki Front, on September 15, 1918, which was the decisive maneuver for the collapse of the Central Powers in the World War I. The visual-literary exhibition “Тамо далеко: 1918-2018” / “Over There, So Far Away” which was set up in Washington on the celebration of the Day of Prayer for Serbia, from 25 to 29 July 2018, was presented to the participants of this magnificent gathering in the Church of St. Sava in North Port.

Raising Kids With Religion Or Spirituality May Protect Their Mental Health: Study

“What’s the downside to having a smartphone? There is none,” says the 13-year-old girl in “Screenagers,” a documentary recently shown at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Akron.

Dr. Georgette Constantinou, a pediatric psychologist with Akron Children’s Hospital, sees the situation differently: “We have to teach [children] the down side and how to use digital devices responsibly.”