Patriarchs John and Irinej arrive in Podgorica, Montenegro
15. October 2018 - 15:00The Patriarch of the Church of Antioch John and the Serbian Patriarch Irinej welcomed in the Cetinje monastery on 15 October 2018.
The two Primates venerated the relics of Saint Peter of Cetinje, a hand of Saint John the Baptist and a relic of the Holy Cross. Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands Amfilohije greeted the Patriarchs and several hierarchs accompanying them, many clergymen and monastics, professors and pupils of the Theological School of Saint Peter of Cetinje and the Christ-loving people.
Serbian Patriarch: I am delighted to be in Montenegro together with the Patriarch of Antioch
15. October 2018 - 15:20His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irinej said in an interview given for to the Montenegrin media in the Cetinje monastery that he was delighted to be in Montenegro together with the Patriarch Jovan X of Antioch and All East.
“I used to live here before 1969/1970 as a principal of the Ostrog monastery, when I had an opportunity to visit almost the entire of Montenegro, from which my mother comes, and consequently I have close ties with Montenegro. I am glad that the present Montenegro in relation to the then Montenegro concerning the Church life is something that is normal for a democratic country, that it has a living Church, that it has priesthood, monasticism.
I am delighted to be here together with the Patriarch of Antioch, Patriarch of the ancient Christian Apostolic Church, who brings us his blessings and His desire that unanimity, peace and love should prevail among our peoples, what is normal, because we are one nation, although we are geographically divided, but that does not mean that we are spiritually divided. We should support each other and be a people that the Lord Christ and our history expect and want us to be,” concluded His Holiness.
Patriarch of Antioch and All East at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade
15. October 2018 - 12:13His Beatitude Patriarch John X, accompanied by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, visited the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade on 13 October 2018.
Besides the Primates of the two Orthodox Churches, the vesper service in the chapel of St. John the Theologian was attended by students and professors of the Faculty as well as by Their Eminences Metropolitans Porfirije of Zagreb, Basilios of Akkar, Joseph of New York and North America and Their Graces Bishops Irinej of Backa and Jovan of Sumadija.
Patriarch John of Antioch visited the Ruzica Church (Rose church)
15. October 2018 - 12:00His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East visited the Ruzica church at the Kalemegdan Fortress of Belgrade on 13 October 2018.
Patriarch John of Antioch and his honorable entourage were solemnly welcomed by the principal of the church, Professor protopresbyter-staurophor Vladimir Vukasinovic, priests of this church and the General Secretary of the Holy Synod of Bishops protopresbyter-staurophor Dr. Savo Jovic and brotherhood of this Kalemegdan’s shrine, with students of the Seminary of Saint Sava who sang Church hymns.
Patriarch John of Antioch visited the National Museum of Serbia
15. October 2018 - 9:51His Beaitude John X of Antioch and All East visited the National Museum in Belgrade, accompanied by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, on 12 October 2018.
The high Chuch dignitaries were welcomed by the Director the National Museum, Mrs. Bojana Boris Breskovic, with her coleagues, who showed to the Patriarchs and the honorable entourage a new permanent exhibition, which encompasses a huge chronological range from the dinstant Palaeolithic to the art of the 20th century. Collections Antique and the Middle Ages and Serbian painting of 18th and 19th century attracted a particular attention of the dignitaries.