Patriarchs John of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia on Kosovo and Metochia

Patriarchs John of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia on Kosovo and Metochia
Patriarchs John of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia on Kosovo and Metochia
Patriarchs John of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia on Kosovo and Metochia
Patriarchs John of Antioch and Irinej of Serbia on Kosovo and Metochia

Patriarch of Antioch and all East John and Serbian Patrijarh Irinej payed a visit to the Pec Patriarchate Monastery and the Visoki Decani monastery on October 17, 2018.

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej and His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All East, visited the ancient See of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the monastery of Pec Patriarchate. In a warm address to the High Guest, His Holiness irinej exposed briefly history of the Patriarchate of Pec and explained in more details the events from Serbian history that had caused exodus of the Serbian people from the southern Serbian province.

Protection of the Mother of God in New Gracanica

Protection of the Mother of God in New Gracanica
Protection of the Mother of God in New Gracanica
Protection of the Mother of God in New Gracanica
Protection of the Mother of God in New Gracanica

On Sunday, October 1/14, 2018, New Gracanica Monastery celebrated its Slava (Patronal Feast), the Protection of the Most-Holy Mother of God. His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America celebrated Hierarchical Divine Liturgy along with His Grace Sava, retired Bishop of Slavonija, and eleven priests and four deacons.

Concelebrating were Archimandrites Thomas (Kazich) and Serafim (Baltic); Archpriest-Stavrophors Milorad Loncar and Marko Pantic; Archpriest Jovan Jovic; Hieromonks Mark (Kerr) and Evstatije (Dragojevic); Protonamesniks Aleksandar Savic and Dragan Goronjic; Priests Nikolaj Kostur and Milos Zivkovic; Protodeacons Milovan Gogic and Pavle Starcevic; and Deacons Nenad Jakovljevic and Milorad Jancic. Responses were beautifully sung by the Episcopal Choir under the direction of Marya Savich-Milicich.

Iveron Icon of Hawai St. Nicholas Church in Elkins Park

On September 20th2018, the Orthodox faithful of Greater Philadelphia were, once again, blessed by the visit of the miraculous myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of  The Most Holy Mother of God.

That morning, Fr. Milorad Orlic accompanied Deacon Dimitri Kernitsky, the Icon’s escort, to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Neonatal Intensive care Unit, to visit a newborn who has been struggling for his life. Placing the child on the Icon, Father Milorad and Deacon Dimitri prayed a moleban for the child’s health,  anointing him with myrrh from the icon upon conclusion of the moleban.

Talija Art Company in Massillon, Оhio

Talija Art Company in Massillon, Оhio
Talija Art Company in Massillon, Оhio
Talija Art Company in Massillon, Оhio
Talija Art Company in Massillon, Оhio

By God's grace, St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton was once again able to host the Talija Art Company - this year in Massillon at the Lions Lincoln Theater.  Over 200 people gathered in the premier, century-old grand American Theater to enjoy live Serbian dance, music, and culture. This year’s performance was themed around the 100-year anniversary of Serbian victory in World War I.

Patriarchs visiting Studenica Monastery

Patriarchs visiting Studenica Monastery
Patriarchs visiting Studenica Monastery
Patriarchs visiting Studenica Monastery
Patriarchs visiting Studenica Monastery

His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch and All East and His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, arrived in the Studenica Monastery in the afternoon of 15 October 2018.

After the visit to the Zhicha Monastery, Patriarchs John and Irinej with their entourages were solemnly welcomed at the monastery of Studenica. Locals of this mountainous area along with their priests and monastic brotherhood arranged a beautiful welcome. Along with singing of hymns devoted to the Most Holy Mother of God, the gathering venerated the relics of Saints Symeon, Anastasia and Simon.