Serbian Patriarch Porfirije in Donji Milanovac
11. August 2021 - 13:57
On the occasion of the Patron Saint-day of Donji Milanovac, the feast of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, His Holiness Porfirije officiated the Holy Hierarchial Liturgy in the church of the Holy Father Nicholas in Donji Milanovac.
Their Graces Bishops Arsenije of Nis, Kirilo of Buenos-Aires and South-Central America, Nikodim of Dalmatia, Ilarion of Timok, elected Bishop Sava of Marca, archimandrite Stefan, Jovan and Kozma; protosynchelos Zaharije, archdeacon Ilija, deacon Radomir Vrucinic, hierodeacon Roman and marko, deacon Vuk Jovanovic and lots of clergy and monastics. The church choir of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God in Zajecar contributed to the beauty of the worship service.
Support of Patriarch Porfirije to the Greek Church due to catastrophic fires
7. August 2021 - 15:47An invitation to the faithful to make donations to help the victims in Greece
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, sent a letter today to His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and all of Greece in which he expresses his co-suffering love and support to the Church and the people on the occasion of catastrophic fires in which people have been suffering for days and the property of many Greek families, the Church and the state is disappearing.
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije in Kladovo
10. August 2021 - 9:38On August 8, 2021, His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, arrived in Kladovo thus beginning his first official visit to the Diocese of Timok.
His Holiness was welcomed at the courtyard of the church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Kladovo by His Grace Bishop Ilarion of Timok along with Their Graces Bishops Arsenije of Nis, Nikodim of Dalmatia and Kiril of Buenos Aires and South-Central America, the clergy, the monastics and the faithful people of the Diocese of Timok.
Patriarch Porfirije: There is nothing more perfect than prayer
10. August 2021 - 11:38On 9 August 2021, on the feast of St. Panteleimon, His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch Porfirije celebrated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy in the church of St. Nicholas of Myra, the Miracle-worker in Donji Milanovac.
Their Graces Bishops Ilarion of Timok, Arsenije of Nis, Kiril of Buenos Aires and South-Central America, Nikodim of Dalmatia and elected Sava of Marca concelebrated in the presence of many faithful people.
Seven years of the episcopal ministry of Bishop Ilarion
11. August 2021 - 14:06
His Grace Bishop Ilarion of Timok celebrated the seventh anniversary of his ordination and the enthronement to the throne of the Bishops of Timok, on August 10, 2021.
On that occasion, in the church of the Holy Father Nicholas in Donji Milanovac, His Grace Bishop Ilarion celebrated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy together with His Grace Bishop Kiril of Buenos Aires and South-Central America, Archimandrites Stefan, Kozma and Jovan; protopresbyter-staurophor Luka Jovic, protosynchellos Zaharije, archpriests Sasa Stepanovic and Ivan Milanovic, hieromonk Enoh, protonamesnik Radoje Mijovic, presbyter Nikola Stojanc, archdeacon Ilija, and deacons Vuk Jovanovic and Uros Pamucar.