Serbian Patriarch Porfirije celebrates the Holy Liturgy in Nis on Lazarus' Saturday
25. April 2021 - 15:20His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops Ilarion of Timok and Arsenije of Nis, in the Cathedral church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in Nis, on April 24, 2021, on Lazarus' Saturday.
Among concelebrants also were: protopresbyter-staurophor Milutin Timotijevic, head of the Theological Seminary "Saints Cyril and Methodius" in Nis, ; protopresbyter-staurophor Branislav Cincarevic, head of the Cathedral in Nis; protopresbyter-staurophor Nanad Mikic; hieromonk Sava (Bundalo); archpriest Miodrag Pavlovic, Diocesan Deputy of Nis I; archpriest Zlatko Vasilic, Diocesan Deputy of Nis II; protosynchellos Nektarije (Djuric) and deacons Radomir Vrucinic, Vuk Jovanovic and Djordje Filipovic.
Patriarch Porfirije: Already today we are participating in the resurrection from the dead, already today we are participating in Life!
1. May 2021 - 15:46
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the side chapel of Saint John the Theologian at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade on 1 May 2021, on Great Saturday.
The Patriarch was concelebrated by Archimandrite Prokopije (Tajar), Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology archpriest Dr. Zoran Rankovic, hieromonk Sava (Bundalo), protonamesnik Dragan Popovic, presbyter Borisa Sanjic, deacon Radomir Vrucinic and Vladimir Antic, subdeacons Vladimir Jelic and Njegos Stikic.
On Holy and Great Thursday Patriarch Porfirije served in Ruzica Church
30. April 2021 - 9:00
His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch, served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the Ruzica church at the Kalemegdan Fortress on Holy and Great Friday, 29 April 2021.
His Holiness Patriarch was concelebrated by Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod of Bishops protopresbyter-staurophor Dr. Savo Jovic, Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade presbyter Dr. Zoran Rankovic, protodeacon Dr. Sava Milin, deacon Dr. Slavoljub Ubiparipovic, subdeacons Vladimir Jelic and Njegos Stikic, as well as readers Andrej Jelic and Pavle Jovanovic.
Paschal at Saint Steven’s Cathedral in Alhambra, California
6. May 2021 - 19:38The services of Holy Week at Saint Steven Cathedral concluded with the glorious Paschal Liturgy in the early morning hours of Sunday, May 2, 2021, celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Maxim, along with Cathedral Dean, Very Reverend Protopresbyter Stavrophor Nicholas Ceko, Reverend Presbyter Norman Kosanovich, and Deacon Vladan Radovanovic, Episcopal Deacon and Secretary. All in attendance – clergy, the choir, boys and girls participating as Liturgical servers, and gathered faithful – were grateful to God to be assembled in faith and love to proclaim the Resurrection! Later in the day, the Paschal Vespers concluded with the reading of the Patriarchal Paschal Encyclical.
Great Friday at the Monastery of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple
1. May 2021 - 9:42 In the evening on 30 April 2021, on Great Friday, His Holiness Porfirije, Serbian Patriarch officiated the Matin service of the Great Saturday at the Monastery of the Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple, in Belgrade.
He was concelebrated by protopresbyter-staurophors Milovan Glogovac and Milisav Radojevic, hieromonk Sava (Bundalo) and deacon Vladimir Pekic, in the prayerful presence of Abbess Teofora, the sisterhood of the monastery and the faithful people. Divna Ljubojevic with the choir Melody sang responses.