Admiral Locklear in the Patriarchate of Pec
19. July 2011 - 14:20On Monday, July 18, 2011 the laura of the Patriarchate of Pec in Metohia was visited by admiral Samuel Locklear III, the commander of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples with associates, among those there was also KFOR commander, Major-General Erchard Biller. Admiral Locklear was received by archimandrite Jovan (Culibrk), the elected Bishop of Lipljan, and heugomene of the Pec Patriarchate mother Favronija.
Patriarch Irinej meets with high guests from Iran
19. July 2011 - 10:49His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch on July 18, 2011 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade received His Excellency Abolqasem Delfi - the ambassador of Iran in Serbia, Mr. Abolhassan Navab , rector of the University for religion and religious trends, Mr. Mohammad Salar, deputy director for international cooperation of the Ahlul Bayt Organization , as well as Mr. Farid Eftekhari, atache for culture of the Embassy of Iran in Serbia.
Children's joy in the courtyard of the church of St.. Luke on Kosutnjak
18. July 2011 - 11:57His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch consecrated on Sunday, Jule 17, 2011 in the courtyard of the church of St. Luke the Apostle on Kosutnjak a new hall of the parish house and opened a children park which was built specially for children of this neighbourhood by the City Municipality of Rakovica and Svetosavsko Zvonce.
Session of the Diocesan Council and consecration of the Cross on the building of the Spiritual centre and the Grammar school in Zagreb
18. July 2011 - 10:51On Thursday, July 14, 2011 - on the feast day of Sts. Cosmas and Damian the Holy Martyrs and Unmercenaries, in the monastery of St. Petka in Zagreb a session of teh Diocesan council of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the territory of R. Croatia was held.
Zociste Monastery and cemetary endangered
15. July 2011 - 15:40Execution of the works in a special safety area below the Zociste monastery the authorities of the Orahovac municipality undermined and partially damaged the Orthodox cemetery and directly threaten the Zociste monastery and the monastery complex, KIM Radio has found out.