Orthodox choirs visit Serbian Patriarch
8. July 2011 - 9:30His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch recieved today in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade in separate visits members of the choir Yenesisi from Cypruss which on July 11, 2011 will participate on the musical festival in Vrnjacka Banja, as well as the members of the choir of the Ataman church of St. Alexander Nevsky from Russia.
Serbian Orthodox Crosses in Osijek
5. July 2011 - 13:29On the premises of the Serbian Orthodox Church Municipality in Osijek on July 3, 2011 a panel was held Serbian Orthodox Crosses in Osijek (from 1690 until today). The organizer of this panel is Dr Milorad Miskovic, the keeper of the Serbian heritage in the area of Osijek, and this is a sequel of the cyclus of presentation Serbian cultural heritage of Osijek.
The panel was greeted by Osijek's parish priest protopresbyter-staurophor Ratomir Petrovic on the behalf of the hosts, and all the present were blessed by Bishop Lukijan of Osek-Polje.
Patriarch Meets with Russian Cadets
5. July 2011 - 12:51His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch met yesterday on July 4, 2011 in Belgrade's Cathedral church of St. Michael the Archangel with participants of the Fourth assembly of cadets of the Russian Cadet Corps in Serbia.
Representatives of Coalition of association of refugees visit Patriarch Irinej
5. July 2011 - 12:11His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch received yesterday on July 4, 2011 in the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade a delegation of 104 associations of refugees and displaced Serbs from Croatia led by Mr. Miodrag Linta. The members of the delegation informed His Holiness with many problems that Serbian refugees and displaces have and gave Him a report on how the Government of Croatia failed to comply with the obligations from the Chapter 23 "Justice and Human Rights".
Bishop Irinej congratulates Novak Djokovic
4. July 2011 - 12:14His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, together with the clergy and faithful people, this morning sent Novak Djokovic a letter of congratulations for winning the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world, and especially for winning first place on the ATP list. In his greetings Bishop Irinej emphasized: "May the Lord our only Victor, always bless, protect and forever lead in victory this our All-Serbian young man, who is the pride and joy of all Serbdom".