
Archbishop Anastasios: The principle of the unity of Orthodoxy is Council

The Primate of the Albanian Church believes that procedures to overcome schism were developed in Orthodoxy long ago, in particular at Ecumenical Councils.

Archbishop Anastasios, Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, explained his position regarding the support of the Pan-Orthodox Assembly to resolve the “Ukrainian issue”, reports the Greek outlet “Democracy”.

Seminar for the Clergy of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia

Seminar for the Clergy of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia
Seminar for the Clergy of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia
Seminar for the Clergy of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia
Seminar for the Clergy of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia

a one-day seminar of the clergy of the Metropolitanate of the Dabar-Bosnia was held at the amphitheater of Theology in Foca on November 5, 2019.

With the blessing of the His Eminence Metropolitan Hrizostom of Dabar-Bosnia, the main topic of the seminar was Theology and Pastoral ministry. The Metropolitan held the opening address. Bishops’ Deputy protopresbyter-staurophor prof. Dr. Vladislav Topalovic welcomed the assembled clergy.

Autocephaly of the Serbian Church in 1219 as a paradigm of canonical acquisition of autocephaly

It is difficult to find an appropriate way to express the enthusiasm and gratitude for the great privilege of living in a time when our Church celebrates 800 years of its existence.  It is a unique event not only for our lifetime, but for the history of our Church.  Today, we are not only talking about history, but we are living, and perhaps even creating history.  Not least today we should see ourselves as a link in the chain of many generations who left us the heritage to preserve, improve and pass on to future generations.  Our hopes are that we are not a weak link, but it is certainly hard enough to keep up with the great figures and important events of the rich history of our Church.

What is the "Apocrypha"?

What do the terms “apocrypha” and “deuterocanonical” mean, and how does the Orthodox Church view them?

The question of the Biblical canon is a somewhat complicated one, because it developed over a very long period of time, and there certainly have been some historical disagreements on the matter. The word “canon” comes the Greek word κανών, which means a measuring rod, or a rule. And so when we speak of the canon of Scripture, we are speaking of the lists of books that affirmed to be Scripture.

Bishop Irinej received an honorary doctorate in St. Petersburg

Bishop Irinej received an honorary doctorate in St. Petersburg
Bishop Irinej received an honorary doctorate in St. Petersburg
Bishop Irinej received an honorary doctorate in St. Petersburg
Bishop Irinej received an honorary doctorate in St. Petersburg

A prayerful and solemn Eucharistic gathering in St. Petersburg’s Theological Academy. - A honorary doctorate of Theology to Bishop Dr. Irinej (Bulovic) of Backa

At the beginning of the new academic year, on September 1, 2019, Metropolitan Varsonophy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga officiated Holy Hierarchal Liturgy with the concelebration of bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church: Irinej of Backa, Antonije of Moravica and Isihije of Mohacs, as well as of Russian bishops Nazarius of Kronstadt and Silouan of Peterhoff, rector of the Theological Academy, in a prayerful presence of many professors and students, in the church of  St. John the Theologian of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

Venerable Mother Angelina of Serbia

She was a daughter of the Orthodox Albanian prince Gjergj Arianit Komneni, sister-in-law of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg and a wife of Serbian despot Stefan Brankovic, son of George.

With her husband she shared the full bitterness of his life, not only in Serbia but also, in exile in Albania and Italy. Their sons Maksim and Jovan she educated in a Christian spirit. When her husband died, she became a nun and devoted herself to prayers and works of mercy, repairing and building churches and monasteries. The people calls her  "Mother Angelina". Her wonderworking relics rest along with the relics of her righteous husband Stefan and devoted sons Maksim and Jovan in the monastery of Krusedol. Saint mother Angelina died in the beginning of XVI century.