New books

To The Glory of God The Father: The Lives of Saint Mardarije of Libertyville and Chicago and Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson and Their Selected Writings

By: Bishop Maxim, Hieromonk Damascene, Ruzica Maric 

The lives of Saint Mardarije of Libertyville and Chicago and Saint Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson and their selected writings.

This book, prologued by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, contains the lives of the two new Saints of the Church who were granted to the North American continent through the Serbian Orthodox Church. The main incentive for publishing this hagiographical work comes from the desire to refresh the memory on these Christ-like people. Bishop Mardarije Uskokovic and Arhimandrite Sebastian Dabovich were the best examples of servant leadership (Matthew 20:27-28), in our recent history in the USA.

After Secularization: Religious Faith in Modern Europe, Russia, and Asia

Author: Stephen C. Headley

After Secularization deals with the current place of religion in four regions: Russia, Indonesia (Java), India, and Western Europe. What factors allow religions a renewed expression of faiths in these cultures once the exported versions of the humanism of the Enlightenment and the humanism of post-modernity have failed to provide a strong hierarchy of values, a transcendence needed to hold society together? A humanism that seeks to isolate the individual from the imagined threats of collective religious belief convinces fewer and fewer people since the promised progress that was supposed to protect our planet is in fact putting it in peril. In Christian revelation, we respond with a faith that accepts our vulnerability as inner honesty and it provides us with the courage to overcome all the deaths that Christ faced down on the cross. The sacrifice of the Son of God makes a new sense of life on earth for those who have been discouraged by the failures of secularization. The icon on the cover of this volume  entitled “Weep not my Mother” is one expression of the meaningfulness of the sacrifice that redeems the despair of fallen lives.

Philosophical and Theological Question in Late Byzantium: George Pachymere's Paraphrasis of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's De divinis nominibus

Philosophical and Theological Question in Late Byzantium: George Pachymere's Paraphrasis of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's De divinis nominibusBy: Christos Ath. Terezis & Lydia Chr. Petridou

George Pachymeres (1242-c.1310) is considered one of the most significant representatives of the Palaeolagan Renaissance in literature and arts, which provided a new style to the spiritual paths. His entire work radiates Aristotelian thought. Pachymeres presents the whole of the Dionysian corpus with a fascination for its internal formation encyclopedism.

However, his main contribution lies in the fact that he established the philosophical and theological requirements for a scientific and rational understanding of the sensible world as a renewed theophany, which is clearly compatible with the principles of the Christian faith.

This study focuses on George Pachymeres's Paraphrasis of Pseudo-Dionysius' De divinis nominibus, explicitly investigating the fourth chapter of the treatise, which according to Pseudo-Dionysius is entitled "On the Good, on the Light, on the Beauty, on the Eros, on the Ecstasy, on the Zeal, and on the fact that evil is not a being."

Language: English
Number of pages: 224
ISBN: 978-1-936773-67-1
Published: 2020


Best wishes to Patriarch Irinej on his 90th birthday

For many years, most Holiness!

In addition to the hierarchs, clergy and monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irinej received on the occasion of his 90th birthday, best wishes from His Holiness Bartholomew, Patriarch of Constantinople; His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia; His Beatitude Daniel, Romanian Patriarch; His Beatitude Rastislav, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia and His Beatitude Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada. Pope Francis has also expressed best wishes to the Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

Christmas Service in Chinese Published in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong publisher “The China Orthodox Press” has published a Chinese translation of the service for the Nativity of Christ. With this new publication, it is now possible for Chinese Orthodox Christians to celebrate the festal service in their native language, reports

The publication contains the texts for the Royal Hours, Typica, Great Compline, and Matins. The texts are annotated with commentary in English.

The translation uses terminology used by the 19th century Peking Mission, adapted to the modern standards for Chinese church service texts.

An electronic version of this publication is available on the publisher’s website. A version with simplified hieroglyphs and the printed version will also be available on the same internet resource.

Religious school textbooks for visually impaired children

In cooperation with the Religious Education Committee of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the JU Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired of the Republika Srpska has issued audio textbooks for religious instructions for primary schools.

The textbooks, made in digital technics in mp3 format, are intended for the primary school children of impaired vision - blind and partially sighted children.