New Church in Helsinki

Plans for the construction of a new Russian Orthodox church have been approved by Helsinki building authorities. The Orthodox Congregation of St. Nicholas, which operates under the Patriarchate of Moscow, has been hoping to build a new church in Itäkeskus in the east of Helsinki since 2004. However, the traditional Russian onion-domed church as been difficult to adapt to the urban landscape of the area.

First public display of world’s only authentic re-creation of Stone Tablets of the Ten Commandments

A small company in San Antonio, Texas has re-created, as an art form, an authentic and faithful-to-scripture set of the two stone tablets referred to in the Bible. The company, HaShem Artworks, will sponsor its initial public display at the Norris Conference Centers located in Crossroads Mall in San Antonio. The exhibit will be limited to two hours-on Sunday, February 8, 2009, from 5:00PM until 7:00PM. There is absolutely no admission charge. HaShem Artworks wants the public to be able to see these authentic Two Stone Tablets so that people will know that the Ten Commandments as given in the original ancient language and which bear the name of the Deity of Judaism and of Christianity are "back" into the world as credible re-creations.

Congratulatory Telegram of Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II to the Newly-Elected Patriarch of Moscow

Prot. No: 21/2009

Your All Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, our dear and beloved brother in Christ and concelebrant, we Greet Your Holiness in the Lord, and address ourselves to you.

It is with great joy that we heard the joyous announcement of your most worthy election to the Patriarchal Throne of the Church of Russia .

Your spiritual person, your broad and well known theological knowledge, your many years of experience regarding ecclesiastical issues, especially your love for our Holy Church and the faithful people of God, provide the guarantee for your bright Patriarchal tenure.

We all wholeheartedly, therefore, pray that the Arch Shepherd Jesus Christ will strengthen your All Holiness, in constant health and much strength, and for many years, rightly keeping the word of His Truth, for the commendation and praise of the Russian Church and all Orthodoxy.

In congratulating you again for your most worthy election, we embrace Your All Holiness and remain Your beloved brother in Christ.


Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa

In the Great City of Alexandria
28th January 2008


Awarded the departing Ambassador of Cyprus to Egypt , His excellency Mr. Petros Eftychiou

On 22nd January 2009, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, in the Throne Room of the Patriarchal Mansion , awarded the departing Ambassador of Cyprus to Egypt , His excellency Mr. Petros Eftychiou, the Cross of the Apostle and Evangelsit Mark, with a Star.

Address by Archbishop Irenaios of Crete, Head of Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to Patriarch Kyril

Your Beatitude Kyril, Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia,

The Ecumenical Patriarchate is present today, with joy and celebration, at the See of the sister Church of Russia in order to participate in the historical moment of the enthronement of Your Beatitude, through our delegation, before an abundant congregation, in the presence of the venerable Hierarchy, "guided by God Himself," as well as the distinguished and honorable authorities, sacred clergy and pious Russian people. It is present here at the august directive of the All-Holy Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarchate, Bartholomew, and the Holy and Sacred Synod that surrounds him, in order to convey the fervent embrace of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to You, the worthy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, as you have already ascended the steps of this historical Throne in succession of the memorable late Patriarch Alexi II, who shepherded the Russian Church over an entire period of eighteen years in a manner that was pleasing to God.