Christian world

Address of His Grace Dr. Irinej, Bishop of Novi Sad and Backa at the plenary session of CEC in Novi Sad, June 2, 2018

Your Holiness, Your Eminences, Most Reverend Metropolitans, Archbishops and Yours Graces Bishops, Your Excellences, Very reverend  and reverend fathers, Highly respected officers and members of the Conference of European Churches, Dear friends and guests, brothers and sisters,

It is my great honour and pleasure to welcome all of you once again in Serbia and Novi Sad, the seat of the Orthodox Diocese of Backa.

Keynote Address at the General Assembly of CEC – Novi Sad

Keynote Address at the General Assembly of CEC – Novi Sad
Keynote Address at the General Assembly of CEC – Novi Sad
Keynote Address at the General Assembly of CEC – Novi Sad
Keynote Address at the General Assembly of CEC – Novi Sad

His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II gave the Keynote Address at the General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches gathered in Novi Sad – Serbia under the title of: “You Shall be My Witnesses”.

In his speech, entitled “Hospitality”, His Holiness emphasized that “through His incarnation, Jesus reveals to us the nature of God Who is hospitable and kind to the stranger. God’s hospitality emanates from His divine essence as love.”

Welcome address of Bishop Dr. Irinej of Novi Sad and Bačka at the opening of the General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches, Novi Sad, May 31, 2018

Your Holiness,Your Eminence,Your Excellency,Your Graces Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops,Fathers, brothers and sisters,Distinguished participants and guests of the General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches,

I warmly welcome you on behalf of the clergy, monastics and faithful of the Orthodox Diocese of Bachka as well as in my own name.

2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches opens in Novi Sad

2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches opens in Novi Sad
2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches opens in Novi Sad
2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches opens in Novi Sad
2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches opens in Novi Sad

At the Master Center in Novi Sad, on 31 May 2018, the General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) was opened. His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, reminded the present of sufferings of the Serbian people and the Serbian Church in Kosovo and Metohija and asked them to raise their voice in the fight against unjust and  violent takeover of Kosovo and Metohija – the territory of the Republic of Serbia. His Grace Bishop Irinej of Backa pointed out that Serbia and Novi Sad throughout centuries of their existence were and have remained a place of meetings, dialogue and cooperation between Churches, religions, peoples and cultures. – Christian culture is the basis of mutual respect and harmonious common life in Vojvodina, President of the Provincial government Mr. Igor Mirovic said.

Social imbalance in Europe, challenges for the Church, persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq, freedom of religion and justice for minority and majority communities, evidence of climate change, just share in God's land and its wealth, migration in Europe - topics about which more than 500 participants of the General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches talk in Novi Sad, from May 31 to June 6, 2018 (the official website - ).

Pope appoints papal representative to Singapore, Vietnam

Polish Archbishop Marek Zalewski is the new Apostolic Nuncio to Singapore and Pontifical Representative to Vietnam.

Pope Francis on Monday appointed Polish Archbishop Marek Zalewski as the new Apostolic Nuncio to Singapore who will also be the non-resident Pontifical Representative to Vietnam.

2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches

The CEC General Assembly will bring together in Novi Sad, Serbia, participants from diverse Christian denominations, ecumenical and faith-based organisations, and EU offices, from across Europe.

The General Assembly will be addressing the biblical theme “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) – exploring the Christian values of justice, witness and hospitality.