Christian world

The 21 Decapitated Copts – A German author on the importance of the Church of Martyrs for the West

A book by the German author Martin Mosebach (Frankfurt) is widely discussed in Germany. It was published recently and is titled “Die 21 – Eine Reise ins Land der koptischen Märtyrer, Reinbek: Rowohlt 2018” (The 21 – A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs”). Mosebach writes about the families of those who were beheaded by the Islamic state.

Record Few Children Baptized in Sweden Due to ‘Demographic Change’

The drop in the number of baptisms is seen as part of the overall trend of Swedes leaving the church; immigration hasn’t reversed this trend, as most hail from non-Christian countries.

Almost 50,000 newborns were baptized in the Church of Sweden in 2017, which corresponds to a record low 42 percent, Swedish Radio reported. One of the reasons is that more parents come from abroad and lack any connection with the Church of Sweden.

Sick Mentality’: Pope Calls Prostitution ‘Torture’, ‘Crime Against Humanity’

In a marathon question-answer conversation with several hundred young people in Rome on Monday, the Catholic Church’s Pope Francis attacked prostitution, praying for the forgiveness of all Catholic men who engage in purchasing sex from prostitutes.

Speaking to the Pope, a 32-year-old Nigerian woman and former sex trafficking victim said she was troubled by the fact that the majority of men paying for prostitutes in the streets of Rome seem to be Catholics. Francis responded by saying that it was indeed likely that nine in ten clients of prostitutes are baptized Catholics.

Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Visits Catholicose-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia

Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Visits Catholicose-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia
Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Visits Catholicose-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia
Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Visits Catholicose-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia
Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II Visits Catholicose-Patriarch Karekin II of Armenia

From March 6 to 10, 2018, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II made a private visit to His brother in Christ His Holiness Catholicose Karekin II, Catholicose-Patriarch of All Armenians, in Etchmiadzin – Armenia.

Persecuted Christians and a dying church in Eritrea

Persecuted Christians and a dying church in Eritrea
Persecuted Christians and a dying church in Eritrea
Persecuted Christians and a dying church in Eritrea
Persecuted Christians and a dying church in Eritrea

If you ask people, “Where is Eritrea?” most would have no idea. As a tiny Eastern African country the size of Pennsylvania, with a population a little over 5 million people, it does not attract much attention. However, it should. The Christian population of Eritrea is being persecuted — their recognized leaders have been removed and the communities are living under strict government regulations that restrict their freedoms. Eritrea is a country situated in the ‘Horn of Africa’, bordered by Sudan in the west, Ethiopia in the south, and Djibouti the southeast. The nation is dominated by two major religions, Christianity and Islam. Estimates indicate that 50% to 64% of the population is Christian.

Egypt regularises 53 churches built without a permit

Without a permit, the buildings were outside the law. A 1934 law prevented the construction of new Christian buildings. Under a new law adopted in 2016, Egyptian governors must justify whenever they reject an application. According to a local NGO, Egypt’s three main denominations (Orthodox, Evangelical, Catholic) have submitted in total 3,730 applications for regularised status.