Christian world

Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama

Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama
Syrian Army Unearths Ancient Byzantine Mosaics in Hama

Док су рашчишћавали мине по селима око Хане јединице сиријске војске наишле су на древни мозаик који потиче из византијског доба. У изјави за Спутњик Абдел Кадер Фарзат, директор Музеја у Хани и Одељења за старине у Хани, изјавио је да су „пронађени драгоцени артефакти изван Акербата, на 85 км источно од Хаме. Када су приспели први извештаји од стране војске, група наших стручњака је отпутовала на ту локацију и установила да мозаик потиче из византијског доба. Урађен је у првој половини петог века. Мозаик великог обима приказује птице, а лежао је на метар и по дубоко у земљи.“

Iran seeks to register Armenian Vank Cathedral as UNESCO World Heritage site

Iran seeks to register Armenian Vank Cathedral as UNESCO World Heritage site
Iran seeks to register Armenian Vank Cathedral as UNESCO World Heritage site
Iran seeks to register Armenian Vank Cathedral as UNESCO World Heritage site
Iran seeks to register Armenian Vank Cathedral as UNESCO World Heritage site

Having registered three churches in the World Heritage List, Iran is trying to add other Armenian cathedrals like Isfahan’s “Vank” to this list, IFP News reported. Deputy Head of Iran’s Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO), Mohammad Hossein Talebian, said that there is a list of Armenian churches, three of which inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage list.

Vietnam Church opens up to domestic migrants

Pope’s World Day of Peace’ message for 2018 is coming into effect in a southern Archdiocese of Vietnam.

Some 500 migrant workers and students attended the launch of Migration Week on Jan. 7 at Don Bosco Youth Center in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.  Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Do Manh Hung of Ho Chi Minh City, the  head of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, said the local church has a duty to receive, protect and integrate migrants into the local church and improve their lives.

Ordained Deaconess of Armenian Orthodox Church in Tehran

As an update to my previous post, without much fanfare, Ani-Kristi Manvelian (24-year-old anesthesiologist) was ordained a deaconess, on September 25, 2017, in Tehran’s St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral by Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, the Primate of the Diocese of Tehran. The photos show Deaconess Ani-Kristi serving on the altar during the Christmas Eve (Ճրագալոյց) Divine Liturgy on January 5th.

Feast day of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

The 5th of January was the Eve of the Feast day of the Armenian Patriarchate. Vespers began at 14.30. Celebration of Saints David, the prophet and king, and James the Apostle, Brother of the Lord,  was held on 6th of January during the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy.

Morning prayers started from 7.00 AM at the St. James Cathedral.

Vatican News community exceeds 4 million users on social media

A community that exceeds 4 million users on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. This is the latest result of the reorganization of the social media channels of the Vatican Secretariat for Communication, unified under the recently presented Vatican News logo.

The launch of a Global Page on Facebook, in particular, brought together over 3 million followers, who can now consult the pages of the six languages ​​currently available (English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese).