Christian world

Anglican Community in Belgrade celebrated Christmas

Anglican Community in Belgrade celebrated Christmas
Anglican Community in Belgrade celebrated Christmas
Anglican Community in Belgrade celebrated Christmas
Anglican Community in Belgrade celebrated Christmas

On behalf of His Holiness Irinej, the Serbian Patriarch, His Grace Bishop Antonije of Moravica attended the Christmas service. - The Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religuous Communities the Christmas Liturgy was represented by its Deputy Director Marko Nikolic, PhD.

The Anglican Community of St. Mary in Belgrade, which otherwise holds its regular divine services in St. Mary’s Church at Visegradska Street in Belgrade, - observing a rather long tradition, celebrates solemn Christmas and Easter Liturgies in the Patriarchate chapel of Saint Simeon the Myrrh-gusher.

Pope Francis Needs a Microscope to Eye Lithuanian Crib

Lithuania has given Pope Francis a Christmas present invisible to the naked eye: a Nativity scene where baby Jesus is smaller than a human cell.

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite on Friday looked through a microscope to see a replica of the crib at Vilnius's downtown Cathedral Square, a copy of the nativity scene that was given to Francis by Lithuanian diplomats earlier this month.

Ruins of 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery uncovered in Israel

Ruins of 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery uncovered in Israel
Ruins of 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery uncovered in Israel
Ruins of 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery uncovered in Israel
Ruins of 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery uncovered in Israel

Archaeologists and over 1,000 teenagers have uncovered the remarkable remains of a 1,500-year-old Byzantine monastery church in Beit Shemesh, Israel, 20 miles west of Jerusalem, reports the Israel Antiquities Authority.

Bermuda to become first territory to restore traditional marriage

Just six months after a court ruling imposed same-sex marriages, the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda is to become the first territory in the world to restore traditional marriage, reports the Catholic Herald.

A referendum last year saw voters overwhelmingly voting against same-sex marriage, but a judge of the island’s Supreme Court later ruled that the Registrar General had to accept a gay couple’s marriage application, arguing that the traditional definition of marriage was “inconsistent with the provisions of the Human Rights Act as they constitute deliberate different treatment on the basis of sexual orientation.”

Pope Francis on need to respect all Myanmar's ethnic groups 0

Pope Francis began his first full day in Myanmar on Tuesday with an unscheduled encounter at the Archbishop’s House, meeting with a group of 17 leaders from the different religious traditions present in the country.

Following that encounter, he travelled by plane up to the capital, Nay Pyi Taw, where he met President Htin Kyaw and Burmese leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, before addressing diplomats and government leaders gathered at an international convention centre.

Church of England Campaign: #GodWithUs

Today the Church launches its #GodWithUs Christmas campaign, aimed at encouraging people across the country to experience the love of God at this special moment in the Christian year. Your Christmas Journey is a series of reflections, in print and online, to help people take the journey through Advent, Christmas and into 2018. You can sign up by texting GodWithUs to 88802; via email; following the Church on social media; or buying a copy from Church House Publishing.