Eparchial (Diocesan) News
Towards the Celebration of the Edict of Milan in Niš
2. January 2013 - 15:10His Grace, Bishop Jovan of Niš, the Constantine’s city, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the church of Holy Sts. Constantine and Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles, on Sunday, 2 December 2012. The Divine Liturgy was concluded with thanksgiving of Bishop Jovan of Niš, to those credited for the realization of this great and very significant project of the Diocese of Nis and the Biblical society of Serbia. Towards the Jubilee celebration in Niš in 2013, the Diocese of Niš launched a missionary project “The Word of God to the Constantine’s City”. On this occasion more than 900 copies of the Holy Scripture were distributed to the present faithful.
Bishop Hrizostom Reposed in the Lord
19. December 2012 - 10:08On the Feast day of the Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified, on 5/18 December 2012, His Grace Bishop Hrizostom (Stolic) of Zica reposed in the Lord at the Episcopal Residence in Kraljevo.
Bishop Hrizostom was born in 1939 in Ruma, where he finished primary and secondary school. After graduating from High school he went to Decani monastery, where he became a monk and was ordained a hierodeacon and hieromonk by the then Bishop of Raska-Prizren Pavle, later Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In 1966 he went to the United States, where he graduated from the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Morganville, New York, with a degree in the liturgical theology. After the graduation he served as a parish priest in Serbian parishes in the Chicago area. Fulfilling his monastic vows, he went to Mount Athos – to the monastery of Hilandar, where he spent twenty years. There he was elevated into the rank of Archmandrite by Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios. As a notable monk he was the Protos (first monk) of Mount Athos in two mandates. In Hilandar monastery he was librarian. The fruit of his work in the library was the book Svetacnik (Life of the Saints) in two volumes, and the Liturgy of Holy Apostle James.
Rest in Deserved Peace With Your Glorious Ancestors in The Light of The One Who Defeated Death!
8. October 2012 - 10:56Homily of His Grace The Bishop of The Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand Kyr Irinej on the occasion of the burial of Serbian Prince Paul Karageorgevich and his wife, Princess Olga, and their son, Prince Nicholas
in Oplenac, 6th october 2012
In the name of The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit!
Truly dawn has risen above our land giving birth with it to the sun of righteousness and liberty! A new day hovering over an ancient landscape in which truth has once again shone forth in order to gather together that which was scattered and now returned in glory!
Welcome, long-suffering Prince! Right honourable and great Serbian Prince! Faithful Prince Regent! Honourable son of brave heroes and glorious descendent of the Royal House of Karageorgevich!
Princess Olga, dear daughter of the Greek and Danish Royal Houses and the Great Russian Imperial House of Romanov, welcome beside your cherished husband and our Prince that you may once again enlighten us with the grace of your beauty!
Welcome, together with your beloved son, Prince Nicholas, in your and our Serbia, in the land which has suffered by enduring the injustice of your frightful exile and as such today she herself is resurrected from the sleep of death opening the maternal bosom of her earth so that you may rest in well deserved peace with your glorious ancestors in the light of Him who conquered death!
Bishop Maxim and guests, Bishop Ignatije and Bishop Grigorije, visit Fair Oaks to celebrate parish Slava
29. August 2012 - 10:34Metropolitan Amfilohije meers with Orthodox Bishops in Argentina
25. August 2012 - 8:32
His Eminence Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoal and Bishop-administrator of the Diocese of Buenos Aires and South-Central American kyr Amfilohije in separate meetings these days received two Orthodox bishops in the Cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Buenos Aires, the seat of the Diocese of Buenos Aires and South-Central American of the Serbian Patriarchate.
On Friday, August 17, Metropolitan Amfilohije was visited by Bishop John of Caracas and South American (Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) and on Monday, August 20, the Metropolitan and our Cathedral church were visited by Metropolitan Siluan of Buenos Aires and All Argentina (Patriarchate of Antiochia).
Parastos in Memory of Metropolitan +Christopher of Blessed Repose
20. August 2012 - 12:29A two year parastos was given by Mrs. Valerie Backo and family on Saturday, August 18, 2012 in memory of her father Metropolitan +Christopher of blessed memory.
Metropolitan Christopher, who served as bishop of the Diocese of Eastern America for over a decade, passed away on the eve of Transfiguration at his episcopal residence in Libertyville in 2010.
May the Lord grant him memory eternal.