Eparchial (Diocesan) News
Patriarch Kirill meets with Patriarch Irenaeus of Serbia in London
19. October 2016 - 11:51In the morning of October 17, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, while on a pastoral visit to Great Britain, had a working meeting with His Holiness Patriarch Irenaeus of Serbia, in London.
Participating in the meeting were also Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, and Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), a DECR vice-chairman. From the side of the Serbian Orthodox Church there were Bishop Dositei of Great Britain and Scandinavia and Bishop Irinej of Eastern America. They discussed the bilateral relations between the Russian and Serbian Orthodox Churches and problems involved in pan-Orthodox dialogue.
Ecumenical Patriarch's historical visit to Croatia
5. September 2016 - 15:12A symposium on New Martyrs to be held in Zagreb. - The Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in Jasenovac. - Consecration of Bishop's Palace in Pakrac.
His All-Holliness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is going to pay a visit to Zagreb on September 9th, 2016, where he is going to open the Scientific Conference under the theme „New Martyrs: Polyperspective II“, which is going to be held at the Serbian Orthodox Grammar School „Katarina Kantakuzina Brankovic“. During the symposium the most eminent experts for the issues of sufferings of people in XX century will participate: Efraim Zuroff, Director of the „Simon Wiesenthal Center“ in Jerusalem; Ruta Vaganaite from Lithuania, author of the bestseller „Our People“; protopresbyter Aleksander Mazirin from Russia, historians, sociologists, theologians and other experts form Poland, Russia, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Croatia, Israel and Serbia. The working part of the conference will be chaired by His Grace Bishop Jovan of Slavonia.
Patriarch Irinej visited the Serbian community in Guelph
6. February 2016 - 12:43On Thursday, February 4, 2016 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, administrator of the Diocese of Canada, visited the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Guelph.
This parish is one of the newest parishes in the Canadian Diocese. Founded in February 2012 at the 30th Diocesan Assembly and with the blessing of Bishop Georgije. Fr. Jovan Marjanac, the parish priest, welcomed the Serbian Patriarch. Together with their priest and many faithful the many children were there in their traditional folklore dress with pogaca, salt and flowers. The Doxology was served by the local priest, Fr. Jovan, together with Protosindjel Vasilije, the abbot of the Milton Monastery and Protodeacon Damjan Bozic. Bishop Christopher, vicar to His Eminence Sotirios, Metropolitan of Toronto (Greek Orthodox Church), Bishop Mina of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada, Bishop Mim of Hamilton, V. Rev. Costas Tsasrudias, parish priest of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Kitchener, V. Rev. Vasilios Petropulos, of the St. George Church in Guelph, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragomir Ninkovic from Kitchener and V. Rev. Stavrophor Dusan Gnjatic from Waterloo.
Bishop Mitrophan, visited the CSC "St. Nicholas" in Philadelphia
27. December 2015 - 19:26On Sunday December 20th His Grace, Rt. Rev. Bishop Mitrophan, visited the CSC "St. Nicholas" in Philadelphia (Elkins Park) PA. His Grace accepted the invitation of Fr. Milorad and Popadija Milena Orlic to be thier guest for their patron saint, St. Nicholas.
The House That Miladin Built
21. December 2015 - 12:26
From Sunrise to Sunset Avenue, heading west along one of those gorgeous, tree-lined streets that you find all throughout the cozy community of Fair Oaks, look to your right after passing the sign for the cemetery.
Turn your gaze upward toward the heavens. You will suddenly gasp as you see one of the most impressive and elegant examples of Eastern Orthodox Church architecture that you’ve ever seen on the West Coast. You will behold the house that Miladin built.