Eparchial (Diocesan) News
Hierarchal Liturgy in the monastery of Milesheva
6. July 2017 - 10:43
His Grace Joanikije, Bishop of Budimlje-Niksic and the Administrator of Milesheva, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the Milesheva monastery on 5 July 2017.
The Bishop was concelebrated by clergy and monks of the Diocese of Milesheva with a prayerful participation of the faithful. Director of the Bureau for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities of the Republic of Serbia PhD Mileta Radojevic attended the Liturgy at the suggestion of His Grace Bishop Joanikije, Mr. Radojevic payed ian officisl visit to this Diocese.
Vidovdan celebrations in Osnabrück
26. June 2017 - 9:39The Vidovdan celebrations took place in the parish of the Holy Great Martyr George in Osnabrück on June 24, 2017.
His Eminence Bishop of Frankfurt and all Germany and elected Bishop of Bihac-Petrovac Sergije officiated the Eucharistic gathering. Protopresbyters-stavrophors Jovan Maric from Wuppertal and Marinko Rajak from Osnabrük, Archpriest Bogdan Smiljic from Bielefeld, Mihailo Stojcic from Altena and Sinisa Vujasinovic from Hamburg, protodean Dragan Colakovic from Essen and protodeacon Milutin Maric concelebrated.
Annual Meeting of Orthodox Bishops of Canada
20. June 2017 - 13:41His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrofan, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, hosted an annual meeting of the Orthodox Bishops’ Conference in Canada, on June 15, 2017.
The meeting was moderated by Metropolitan Soterios of the Constantinople Patriarchate. The following hierarchs participated in the deliberations of the meeting: Bishop Job (the Moscow Patriarchate), Bishop Iovan Kasian (the Romanian Patriarchate), Bishop Daniel (the Bulgarian Patriarchate), Archbishop Ireneus (the Orthodox Church in America), Bishop Elijah from the Albanian Diocese (the Constantinople Patriarchate), Metropolitan Juriy and Bishop Andrey from the Ukrainian Diocese (the Constantinople Patriarchate), Bishop Christoph (the Constantinople Patriarchate) and Bishop of Gregory of the Carpathian Diocese (the Constantinople Patriarchate).
Pascha in New York
28. April 2017 - 13:02Although the Saint Sava Serbian Cathedral community in New York City lost its church in the fire on Pascha May 1, 2016, with God’s grace, thanks to the brotherly love of the Greek and the Russian people, it continued uninterruptedly to conduct its services.
Both the Greek and the Russian Churches opened the doors of their temples to the faithful of theSaint Sava parish. One of those churches, where the Serbs regularly conduct their Sunday and weekly services, is a beautiful Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Eleftherios. This year the Serbs and Greeks gathered together here for the Great and Holy Friday service. Leading the service was His Grace Bishop Irinej, accompanied by V. Rev. Stavrophor Dr. Albert Demos, parish priest at the Greek Church of Saint Eleftherios, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dr. Zivojin Jakovljevic, Saint Sava Cathedral Dean, and V. Rev. Vladislav Radujkovic, parish priest at the Saint Sava Cathedral.
Orthodox Bishop of Zahumlje-Hercegovina new Chairman of Interreligious Council in Sarajevo
25. April 2017 - 10:36His Grace Grigorije, Bishop of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and Coastlands, was elected as new chairman of the Interreligious Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 21, 2017 in Sarajevo.
Bishop Grigorije, who is also administrator of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia, said that at the meeting of the Interreligious Council, that during the past 20 years, working in a spirit of openness, mutual respect and trust, the Interreligious Council BiH has become an important organization that contributes to the improvement of life for all the peoplese in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Palm Sunday celebrated in Vienna
12. April 2017 - 14:28His Grace Andrej, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Austria-Switzerland, officiated at the Eucharistic gathering in the church of the Nativity of the Mother of God on the 9th of April 2017.
The Bishop was concelebrated by Archpriest Petar Pantic and the parish priests Dragan Birtasevic and Alekksandar Stankovic. The church choir with Mrs. Biserka Vasic as Conductor was chanting responses. After the Gospel reading, the Bishop delivered a sermon on the topic of the feast-day. An agape meal was served in the church premises.