St. Alexander of Neva’s relics to be brought from St. Petersburg to the USA

Relics of St. Alexander of Neva will be brought from St. Petersburg to the USA where Orthodox believers and representatives of other Christian confessions will have a chance to worship them.

Cyprus Archbishop Chrysostomos I has died

Hrisostom I Kiparski

Former Archbishop Chrysostomos I has died, aged 80. His body will lay in state on Sunday and a funeral will be held on Monday.The funeral will be held at 1300 local time (1100 GMT) at the Ayios Ioannis Cathedral in Nicosia. The primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus, Archbishop Chrysostomos II will officiate.

Teaching of Orthodox religion in South Africa

отац ПантелејмонThere are few suburbs in Johannesburg where only local black people are living. These parts of towns are called locations, and they are very unsafe with high rate of crime. There are unwritten rule between white people not to go there under any circumstances. One of these suburbs is Thembisa where Christian School Saint Atanasius is located.

Serbia’s President, Mr. Boris Tadic, Visits Patriarch Pavle

Патријарх Павле, Председник Тадић

Yesterday, December 13, 2007, Serbia's President Boris Tadic visited His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, who is undergoing treatment at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.

His Holiness expressed his gratitude for the affection and attention shown and gave his fatherly blessing to President Tadic.

Photo: Archive of the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church

A Light to Its People

The Devic Monastery endures, it is alive and the sanctuary that is surrounded by barbed wire continues to exist. Almost devastated during the 2004 pogrom, the sanctuary has recovered, the refectories and the church have been renewed.

Манастир Девич слава 2007 The Devic Monastery - everything is as it is in any temple of faith. And yet, nothing is the same: Barbed wire around the Holy Place, foreign soldiers armed to their teeth, armored vehicles. They were here in the spring of 2004 and the picture was the same. Devic underwent an assault back then, and the army was rescuing the nuns. The monastery was burnt down and relics centuries old disappeared in the flames, the shelter was burnt down, and the Monastery's property was looted.

Cooperation Between the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Archive of Serbia

Архив СрбијеThe Central event that marked the celebration of the Day of the Archive of Serbia was the signing of the Protocol on the Coooperation between the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Ministry of Culture and the Archive of Serbia, according to which the Archive of Serbia is to offer its professional support to the Serbian Orthodox Church in order to safeguard and put order into the archives of the Serbian Orthodox Church.