Orthodox Churches

Conservation and Rescue Interventions in the Church of St. Athanasius

Conservation and Rescue Interventions in the Church of St. Athanasius
Conservation and Rescue Interventions in the Church of St. Athanasius
Conservation and Rescue Interventions in the Church of St. Athanasius
Conservation and Rescue Interventions in the Church of St. Athanasius

The monastery church of St. Athanasius in Leshnica, Saranda, is the only one that has survived from the entire monastery complex. It holds special worship, historical and cultural values and it belongs to the Orthodox spiritual heritage. During last spring, a major part of the building structure collapsed causing serious problems. Because of the fact that this church is a "cultural monument under state protection", every kind of maintenance or intervention work from the local Orthodox community is prohibited. Its abandonment and the lack of urgent interventions in solving the roof problems, or consolidating its foundations, has brought severe damage to the building especially after landslides and earthquakes. 

Paschal Reception at Russian Consulate General in New York City

Paschal Reception at Russian Consulate General in New York City
Paschal Reception at Russian Consulate General in New York City
Paschal Reception at Russian Consulate General in New York City
Paschal Reception at Russian Consulate General in New York City

His Excellency Sergey K. Ovsyannikov, Consul General of the Russian Federation in New York, and His Grace John, Bishop of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, cohosted a traditional Paschal Reception at the Russian Consulate in New York on Thursday, April 18, 2018.

This annual reception is held at Eastertide for members of the Orthodox Consular Corps, Orthodox Hierarchs and distinguished members of the Russian Community. Representing the Serbian Orthodox Church was His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America. Her Excellency Mirjana Zivkovic, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia, represented the Serbian Nation. Thus manifesting the traditional ties between the Russian and Serbian Churches, Nations and peoples, that share the same faith and Slavic blood and language.

The completion of the restoration project at the Holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist by the River Jordan

On Tuesday April 4/17, 2018, there was a ceremony at the Holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist, by the West Bank of the River Jordan, on the occasion of the completion of the restoration project, after the damage the Monastery suffered during the six-day war in 1967.

The restoration project of the Church and its adjacent rooms was undertaken with the architectural advice and work of the Architect of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Mr. Theodosios Mitropoulos, the supervision of the Master of Ceremonies Archimandrite Bartholomew and the funding of the Hegoumen of the Monastery of Sarantarion Mount, Fr. Gerasimos. Today the project was concluded with the installation of water and electricity supply with the permission and co-operation of the Israeli Army of Civilian Administration.

Illustrated book of Prophet Jonah published in Siberian Chukchi language

The Institute for Bible Translation (IBT) is continuing its blessed work of translating the Holy Scriptures into the languages of the indigenous peoples of Northern and Far Eastern Russia. Following on the heels of the translation of the Gospel of Luke into the Chukchi language, released in late March, the IBT has released an illustrated translation of the book of the Prophet Jonah into the same language, the Institute’s website reports.

Chukchi is a language spoken by the Chukchi people in the easternmost edge of Siberia, mainly in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. As of 2002, about 7,700 of the 15,700 Chukchi people speak Chukchi, and knowledge of the language is decreasing.

Patriarch Kirill to pay first visit to Albania in late April

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will make an official visit to Albania for the first time in late April, and will hold a joint service with His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës, and All Albania, patriarchal press service Fr. Alexander Volkov told RIA-Novosti today. The two primates have known one another for more than 50 years and have kept up their friendship throughout the years. The Russian primate will also meet with Albanian President Ilir Meta. Pat. Kirill announced the upcoming visit to Albania today at the annual Paschal reception at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The trip is currently scheduled for April 28 to 30.

Mass baptism celebrated in Congo River

Mass baptism celebrated in Congo River
Mass baptism celebrated in Congo River
Mass baptism celebrated in Congo River
Mass baptism celebrated in Congo River

Several Congolese catechumens were recently received into the holy Orthodox Church in a mass Baptism ceremony on the banks of the Congo River. The holy Sacrament was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Panteleimon of Brazzaville and Gabon of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church on Saturday on the border between the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, reports Romfea.