Orthodox Churches

Ecumenical Patriarch’s Easter Message 2018: The Gospel of Resurrection resounds in a world-Golgotha of social injustice

The gospel of the Resurrection resounds today in a society replete with social injustice and reduction of the human person, in a world that resembles a Golgotha of refugees with myriads of innocent children, says Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in this year’s Easter Message.

The Feast of Pascha in Jerusalem

The Feast of Pascha in Jerusalem
The Feast of Pascha in Jerusalem
The Feast of Pascha in Jerusalem
The Feast of Pascha in Jerusalem

On Holy Saturday night, March 25/April 8, 2018, at 23.00 (Church time) the Hagiotaphite Brotherhood under His Beatitude and our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos left the Patriarchate in procession towards the All-holy Church of the Resurrection.

Paschal Message of His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Archpastors, Pastors, Deacons, Monastics and All the Faithful Children of the Russian Orthodox Church

Beloved in the Lord archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!


From a heart filled with radiant joy in the Saviour who has risen from the tomb I greet you all with these life-affirming words and congratulate you on the “feast of feasts” – the Lord’s Passover.

More Than 7,000 “parcels of Love” Gifted by Greek Diocese of Piraeus

Practical support for their fellow man who is struggling with enormous daily obstacles was again rendered by the Diocese of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church this year on Holy Tuesday, reports Romfea.

Through the social and charitable work of the local diocese, His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus was able to offer more than 7,000 “parcels of love” with food and other essential items for the Paschal table to struggling Greeks.

Church to be built in Siberian cradle of Orthodoxy where mass Baptism of 120 recently celebrated

Yessey, the northernmost village of the Evenkia District in Krasnoyarsk Krai, 2,140 miles northwest of Moscow, was traditionally known as the “cradle of Orthodoxy” among the indigenous peoples of the north, after local Yakuts and Evenks adopted Orthodoxy in 1852. One of the first churches in Evenkia was built in Essey, although it ceased functioning with the advent of soviet power. The village has remained churchless for the past several decades, although faith has remained alive in the hearts of many Yakuts.

Monastery of St. Matrona of Moscow being built in Republika Srpska

A meeting was held on Tuesday, March 27 between the Russian Military-Historical Society and the leadership and activists of the volunteer organization The Society of Russian-Serbian Friendship and Unity of Orthodox Peoples from Republika Srpska during the latter’s visit to Moscow, during which the ongoing construction of a monastery in honor of Russia’s greatly beloved St. Matrona of Moscow in Republika Srpska was discussed, reports the Russian Military-Historical Society.

“We have been building the first monastery complex in honor of St. Matrona of Moscow in the Balkans for several years already. The church building is already built—we just have to find artists who can do the icons,” said Friendship Society head Zoran Gajić.