Orthodox Churches

Delegation from Norway visits the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Anthimos

A large delegation of Norwegians was received by the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, His Eminence Mr. Anthimos, on the occasion of their educational tour and pilgrimage to Byzantine churches and other Christian monuments of the city of Thessaloniki. The delegation headed by Torstein Theodor Tollefsen, professor of Ancient and Byzantine philosophy at the University of Oslo, was consisted of emeriti professors, doctors, researchers, other philhellenes and friends of Orthodoxy from Norway, as well as members of the Norwegian Orthodox Parish of St. Nicholas in Oslo, which belongs to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Parish of the Metropolitan Church of The Annunciation of the Mother of God in Oslo of the Metropolis of Sweden and All Scandinavia.

Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’

Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’
Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’
Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’
Patriarch Kirill takes part in the presentation of the Russian version of the book ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’

On April 29, 2018, during the peace visit of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Albanian Orthodox Church, a presentation took place of the book by His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania entitled ‘Unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth’, devoted to the history, today’s tasks and prospects of the Orthodox mission.

Primates of Russian and Albanian Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy at Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana

Primates of Russian and Albanian Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy at Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana
Primates of Russian and Albanian Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy at Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana
Primates of Russian and Albanian Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy at Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana
Primates of Russian and Albanian Churches celebrate Divine Liturgy at Resurrection Cathedral in Tirana

His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and His Beatitude Anastasios, Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Tirana.

Georgian parliament to consider bill on insulting religious sensibilities, Georgian Church supports it

The Georgian parliament will soon consider a bill that would introduce criminal penalties for insulting religious sensibilities. A representative of the Georgian Orthodox Church has stated that the patriarchate supports the bill. “I … am ready to join these discussions,” said parliamentary Chairperson Irakli Kobakhidze. “The committee will make a definite decision, after which this question will be examined in a plenary format,” Kobakhidze told reporters, according to RIA-Novosti. The parliamentary Committee for the protection of human rights decided to establish an ad hoc working group to study and amend the bill in detail.

6th-century St. Andrew the First-Called mosaic stolen in 1970s returns to Cyprus

A rare sacred treasure has found its way back to the Orthodox island nation of Cyprus after four decades. A mosaic of Apostle St. Andrew the First-Called, dated to the 6th century, was stolen from a looted church in Cyprus’ breakaway north in the 1970s, but now has been returned, bringing spiritual joy to the Cypriot faithful. His Eminence Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus, who made the announcement about the icon, stated that the artistry that went into the icon and its rarity make it a symbol of Cyprus’ “stolen heritage,” reports the Romanian Orthodox Church’s Basilica News Agency.

Another 1,000 children baptized by Patriarch Ilia of Georgia

Another 1,000 children baptized by Patriarch Ilia of Georgia
Another 1,000 children baptized by Patriarch Ilia of Georgia
Another 1,000 children baptized by Patriarch Ilia of Georgia
Another 1,000 children baptized by Patriarch Ilia of Georgia

The Georgian people have again expressed their great love of and trust in His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia, bringing more than 1,000 children to be baptized and become the primate’s Godchildren in a mass ceremony.