Orthodox Churches

Reception on the occasion of the name-day of Patriarch Kirill

On the feast-day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, 24 May 2018, in the solemn hall at the Cathedral church of Christ the Savior in Moscow, a memorable reception was held on the occasion of  the name-day of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

The delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church was headed by Patriarch Irinej, who congratulated the Russian Church Primate the great All-Slavonic feast- day of Saints Cyril and Methodius and expressed his special joy to be able to participate in the event in honour of the heavenly protector of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, St. Kirill.

Moscow: Triumphant Patriarchal Liturgy in Christ the Saviour church

Moscow: Triumphant Patriarchal Liturgy in Christ the Saviour church
Moscow: Triumphant Patriarchal Liturgy in Christ the Saviour church
Moscow: Triumphant Patriarchal Liturgy in Christ the Saviour church
Moscow: Triumphant Patriarchal Liturgy in Christ the Saviour church

On the feast-day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Serbian and Russian Patriarchs officiated the Divine Liturgy in the church of Christ the Saviour.

On the feast-day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slavic Enlighteners, 24 May 2018, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and His Holiness Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the Cathedral church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow marking the Day of Slavic Literacy and Culture as well as the name-day of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.

High award for Patriarch Irinej in Moscow

High award for Patriarch Irinej in Moscow
High award for Patriarch Irinej in Moscow
High award for Patriarch Irinej in Moscow
High award for Patriarch Irinej in Moscow

On 23 May 2018 at the award ceremony of the International Fund for Unity of Orthodox Peoples held in the solemn hall of the Church Assemblies at the church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, His Holiness Irinej was awarded with the high award of the Fund. He also addressed the present with a speech. (photo gallery)

The event was attended by a number of hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the members of the Serbian delegation accompanying His Holiness Irinej, representatives of the Serbian, Bulgarian, Czech and Slovak Churches, and the OCA serving in Moscow, and a number of political and public figures.

Pat. Kirill addressed the prize winners with a welcoming speech to open the ceremony, after which the biographies of the 2017 winners, including Pat. Irinej, were presented with supplementary video materials. Then the Serbian primate addressed the audience:

In 2002, during a difficult time for the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian people, this award was received by my predecessor, Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory from the hand of the blessed Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Russia. I do not receive this prize as an award intended for me personally, but I see in it, so dear to my heart, a sign of love and attention to all the Serbian people… This is a sign of support for our people and our Church, which is enduring terrible oppression in Kosovo and Metohije and is being forced to defend its age-old rights in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, and which for centuries has brought holy Orthodoxy to the world and remains firm in the faith of our fathers.

His Holiness also addressed the sorrowful situation in Ukraine in which schismatics and nationalists actively work to divide the Ukrainian people against themselves. Echoing the recent statement of the Serbian Holy Synod, the patriarch stated,

The martyred Ukrainian Church—where the holy Prince Vladimir baptized the people of Holy Rus’—is now being defiled by the schismatic’ blasphemy, violence, and bloodshed… The Serbian Church fully supports the unity and integrity of the Russian Orthodox Church and strongly condemns the actions of the Uniates and schismatics who tear apart the robe of Christ at the baptismal font of Kiev, selling their people to the enemies of faith. Their end will be according to their deeds (2 Cor. 11: 15).

The ceremony concluded with a concert put on by various Moscow choirs and orchestras.

Source: Patriarchate of Moscow

Patriarch Kirill meets with Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Kirill meets with Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Kirill meets with Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Kirill meets with Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Kirill meets with Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church

The Primates of the Russian and the Serbian Orthodox Churches had a talk at the Patriarchal working residence in Chisty Pereulok.

His Holiness Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia, who had arrived in Moscow earlier, was accompanied by Bishop Irinej of Backa; abbot of the Kovilj Monastery, Archimandrite Isihije (Rogic) elected Bishop of Mohac; Deacon Alexander Prascevic, head of the Patriarchal office; and Dejan Nakic, the Patriarch’s personal secretary.

Patriarch Irinej venerated the Relics of St. Matrona of Moscow

Upon his arrival in Moscow,  His Holiness Patriarch of Serbia visited Pokrovsky stauropegial Monastery, where he venerated the relics of St. Matrona of Moscow.

The Patriarch expressed his gratitude to the Very Venerable Mother superior Teophania and her sisterhood for a cordial welcome and hospitality. On behalf of His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Bishop John of Domodedev, addressed the Serbian Church delegation.

2018 General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches

The CEC General Assembly will bring together in Novi Sad, Serbia, participants from diverse Christian denominations, ecumenical and faith-based organisations, and EU offices, from across Europe.

The General Assembly will be addressing the biblical theme “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8) – exploring the Christian values of justice, witness and hospitality.