Orthodox Churches

Metropolitan Rastislav of the Czech and Slovak Church celebrates his 5th episcopal consecration anniversary

His Beatitude Father Rastislav, the Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia, celebrates on 18 November 2017 5th episcopal consecration anniversary.

Rastislav or Rostislav, also known as St. Rastislav, was the second known ruler of Moravia (846–870). Upon his initiative two brothers, Cyril and Methodius sent by the Byzantine Emperor Michael III in 863, translated the most important Christian liturgical books into Slavonic in his realm.Rastislav was canonised in 1994 by the Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church.

His Beatitude Sawa celebrates his 38th episcopal consecration anniversary

His Beatitude Sawa (Hrycuniak), Archbishop of Warsaw and Metropolitan of All Poland celebrates Saturday his 38th episcopal consecration anniversary.

His Beatitude Sawa is the current head of the autocephalous Church of Poland. He is the eighth hierarch to head the Polish church since it was granted autocephaly by the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1924. As Archbishop of Warsaw and Metropolitan of All Poland, his see is in Warsaw at the Cathedral of Mary Magdalen Equal to the Apostles.

Russian Council of Bishops to consider Church-wide veneration of number of Ukrainian saints

The session of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, currently being held in Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral, will consider the question of Church-wide veneration of a number of Ukrainian saints, Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations said Wednesday at a press conference dedicated to the hierarchical gathering, patriarchia.ru. reports.

Pat. Ilia II will not visit Russia for centenary of restored patriarchate due to health

His Holiness Patriarch-Catholicos Ilia II will not be able to visit Moscow on December 4 for the celebration of the centenary of the 1917 enthronement of St. Tikhon (Bellavin) as the first head of the renewed patriarchate as he had hoped. It was announced today that he would not be able to travel due to health problems and the increasingly cold weather, RIA-Novosti reports.

Archbishop Anastasios in the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra

Archbishop Anastasios in the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra
Archbishop Anastasios in the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra
Archbishop Anastasios in the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra
Archbishop Anastasios in the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra

Divine Liturgy at the Resurrection of Christ Cathedral - A cordial meeting with the faithful and students - the inauguration of the Spirit of Love high school

A visit full of blessings and spiritual gifts was the one paid by Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, His Beatitude Anastasios to the Holy Metropolis of Gjirokastra from September 23rd to 25th, 2017.

Patriarch Ilia announces Locum Tenens of Georgian Church

His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II chose today, when the Georgian Church is celebrating its greatly-beloved feast of the martyrdom of St. George, to make an historic announcement. Shortly before celebrating the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. George-Kashveti in the center of the capital, the primate announced a locum tenens for the patriarchal throne of the Georgian Orthodox Church, according to information from Romfea.