Orthodox Churches

Completed mosaics unveiled in Belgrade’s St. Sava Cathedral

On Thursday, October 22, His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and Serbian President Aleksandr Vučić visited St. Sava’s Cathedral in Belgrade to examine the newly-revealed mosaics.

Last month, OrthoChristian reported that work on the cathedral’s unique and beautiful mosaics was completed. Now that most of the scaffolding in the church has been removed, the images of the Lord and His saints are visible to the public for the first time.

Patriarch of Alexandria to celebrate 100th anniversary of Agioi Anargyroi Church in Abukir on October 30

Patriarch Theodore: Those who remained here will not abandon our templesThe historic church of Agioi Anargyroi, which is one of the oldest churches of the Greek Community in Egypt, celebrates its 100th anniversary since its establishment in Abukir, 20 km from Alexandria.

It is the same area where Greeks established a large Greek Orthodox community in the early 20th century during the patriarchal ministry of Patriarch Meletius. This Greek Orthodox community went through important moments and closed in 1952. The only element that betrays the history of the community is the wooden church of Saints Cyrus and John, which has given the name to the town, Abukir.

Mosaics of the early Byzantine period were revealed in Sinope Koimesis Church

Mosaics of the early Byzantine period were revealed in Sinope Koimesis ChurchIn the city of Sinope, in Turkey, there is the complex of Mithridates Palaces, in the center of which is an early Christian church, dating to approximately 660 AD, which is known as the “Church of the Palaces” (Balatlar Kilisesi).

Excavations at the 2,300-year-old Palace began 11 years ago with the support of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Patriarch of Antioch met Minister of Public Works and Housing

Patriarch of Antioch met Minister of Public Works and HousingGreek Orthodox Patriarch John of Antioch and All the East received Minister of Public works and Housing, Suhail Mohammad Abdullatif, at the Patriarchate in Damascus on Monday, October 19, 2020.

Source: Orthodoxtimes.com

Patriarch Irinej and Minister Loncar called on citizens to respect epidemiological measures during slava celebrations

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, and Dr. Zoran Loncar, Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Serbia,  called on all citizens of Serbia yesterday to adhere to anti-epidemic measures in the next period, and during slava celebrations, in order to preserve public health.

At today's meeting at the Patriarchate, Belgrade, which was also attended by director of the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Dr. Goran Stevanovic, Minister Loncar informed His Holiness Patriarch Irinej about the current epidemiological situation in our country, as well as about the preparedness of the state health system for the new peak of the coronavirus. On that occasion, the Minister pointed out that medical staff would do everything to preserve health of our citizens this time as well, but that it was necessary to respect the measures in order to keep the epidemic under control.

10th Anniversary of Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia

10th Anniversary of Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia
10th Anniversary of Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia
10th Anniversary of Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia
10th Anniversary of Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the 10th Anniversary of the Ordination of Metropolitan Ioannis of Zambia which had taken place on the 17th of October 2010.