Orthodox Churches

The church submerged under the Iznik Lake becomes more visible after water level drops

The remains of a 1,500-year-old church dedicated to St Neophytos have become more visible after the water level of the Iznik Lake in Turkey dropped. Greek Reporter quotes Daily Sabah, announcing that draught and pollution reduction have contributed to a better sight of the ruins, now situated only 1.5-2 meters below water level.

Patriarch Ilia of Georgia receives honorary doctorate from Tbilisi Theological Academy

Photo: FacebookHis Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II, the most beloved and trusted man in the Caucasian country, was the guest of honor at an event of the Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary yesterday.

In the courtyard of the Georgian Patriarchate, the school conferred the title of Doctor Honoris Causa upon His Holiness, who has led the Georgian Church for more than 40 years, reports the press service of the Tbilisi Academy.

Election of new Assistant Bishops to Metropolis of Mexico

Election of new Assistant Bishops to Metropolis of MexicoEcumenical Patriarch Bartholomew received Metropolitan Athinagoras of Mexico, accompanied by his three newly elected Assistant Bishops, Athinagoras of Myrina, Isichios of Markiani and Timotheos of Assos on Monday, October 5, 2020. After the private meeting, they were presented with the Announcement of his election (Mikro Minima), in the presence of the Ecumenical Patriarch and Hierarchs of the Throne. The newly elected bishops expressed their heartfelt gratitude for their election. The Ecumenical Patriarch congratulated them and gave them paternal advice for the success of their new mission in the Church.

Patriarch Theodore II: 16th anniversary as Patriarch of Alexandria

Александријски патријарх обележо свој имендан - Вести из Православних  помесних Цркава - Живе Речи УтехеPatriarch Theodore II will celebrate his 16th anniversary as Patriarch of Alexandria on the 9th October 2020.

In 2004, the then Metropolitan of Zimbabwe, Theodore, was unanimously elected Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa. Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria is the 123rd Patriarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and succeeded the Blessed Patriarch Peter VII who passed away following the Chinook helicopter crash.

5.2 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks near Mount Athos

5.2 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks near Mount AthosAn earthquake of magnitude 5.2 on the Richter scale occurred earlier in the morning in Greece (at 1.50 at night, Greek time) in the sea area of Mount Athos.

The epicentre of the earthquake was the same as the 4.4 magnitude earthquake. In particular, according to the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, the epicentre of the earthquake was recorded 22 km southwest of Mount Athos, while the focal depth was 17.5 km.

Migrants destroyed the church of Saint George in Lesvos

Migrants destroyed the church of Saint George in Lesvos
Migrants destroyed the church of Saint George in Lesvos
Migrants destroyed the church of Saint George in Lesvos
Migrants destroyed the church of Saint George in Lesvos

After the arson of the Reception and Identification Center of Moria that took place two weeks ago, migrants stayed temporarily in the church of Saint George and caused its total destruction.