Orthodox Churches

Patriarch of Jerusalem confers titles on Remli Graduates

Patriarch of Jerusalem confers titles on Remli Graduates
Patriarch of Jerusalem confers titles on Remli Graduates
Patriarch of Jerusalem confers titles on Remli Graduates
Patriarch of Jerusalem confers titles on Remli Graduates

On the evening of Saturday, the 31st of May/13th of June 2015, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem visited the town of Remli, the ancient Arimathea. He was accompanied by Metropolitan Isychios of Kapitolias, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, and Protopresbyter Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking Mass Media.

The President of the Republic of Cyprus Anastasiades visits the Patriarchate of Jerusalem

  У недељу 14. јуна 2015. године Његово Превасходство Председник Републике Кипра г. Никос Анастијадес посетио је Јерусалимску Патријаршију. У његовој пратњи били су његова жена и сарадници. Гђа Андри Анастасијадис учествовала је у Божанској Литургији у цркви Васкрсења Господњег којом је началствовао Његово Високопреосвештенство Архиепископ таворски Методије.

Resurrection of faith in Tonga Islands

All Hail! (Matt. 28: 1)

It was the first word of the Risen Christ to the Myrrh-bearing women: a joyous message addressed to the troubled and afflicted by sin humanity—a message that is then delivered by the Apostles to the faithful of all time.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances;” (II Thess. 5: 16-18)

Before the coming of Christ, humankind lived under sin, which is a cause of sorrow.

Faith in Christ and His Resurrection is a source of eternal joy and gladness. The preaching of the Gospel is indicative of its worldwide scope and conveys a universal message to all the nations. Total salvation is acquired through the Sacrament of the Holy Baptism “in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”, the Orthodox and rightly dividing the word of truth.

Representatives of Orthodox Churches meet in Brussels to discuss new initiatives for defending traditional understanding of the family

Heads of Orthodox Churches’ representations to the European Union met in Brussels for a working meeting with the participation of the secretary-general of the European Federation of Catholic Families Associations, Anna Maria Hildingsson.

The aim of the meeting initiated by the Romanian Church Representation was to exchange opinions on the report ‘On the European Union’s Strategy for Equality of Women and Men Post 2015’ adopted by the European Parliament. The resolution on this report adopted on June 9, 2015, though not obligatory for implementation, constitutes a serious attempt to exert political pressure on European countries with the aim to destroy the traditional notions of marriage and family and to legalize surrogate motherhood and abortion.

Representative of Russian Orthodox Church attends international peace forum

 Representative of Russian Orthodox Church attends international peace forum
 Representative of Russian Orthodox Church attends international peace forum
 Representative of Russian Orthodox Church attends international peace forum
 Representative of Russian Orthodox Church attends international peace forum

On June 13, 2015, a meeting with participation of religious leaders took place in Brussels, Belgium, as part of the 26th annual session of the Crans Montana Forum. The meeting considered the theme ‘Is True Peace Possible in the World?’

Halki Summit II

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is hosting the second Halki Summit on “Theology, Ecology, and the Word.” Co-sponsored by Southern New Hampshire University, the summit will be held on the island of Halki from June 8-10, 2015.

Continuing the legacy established by the Ecumenical Patriarchate for over twenty-five years, Halki Summit II follows a series of pioneering ecological initiatives, including eight international symposia (1995-2009) and five summer seminars (1994-1998).

Halki Summit I, “a conversation on environment, ethics and innovation,” was held in June 2012 and featured prominent speakers, such as environmentalists Jane Goodall and Bill McKibben, as well as scientists James Hansen and Amory Lovins.

Halki Summit II will draw distinguished literary and environmental leaders, including Terry Eagleton (literary theorist and critic) and Terry Tempest Williams (poet and author), as well as James Balog (mountaineer and photographer), Raj Patel (author and activist) and Timothy Gorringe (theologian and apiculturist), for an inspiring “conversation on the environment, literature and the arts.”

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will open the summit on June 8th, while Metropolitan John [Zizioulas] of Pergamon, the most prominent Orthodox spokesman on the environment, will deliver the keynote address.

Reversing climate change and restoring the depletion of the earth’s resources first and foremost require a change in values and beliefs in order for people to incorporate the ethical and spiritual dimensions of environmental sustainability into their lives and practices. Halki Summit II hopes to contribute toward this sacred vision and goal.

Source: Ecumenical Patriarchate