Orthodox Churches

The Choir of the University of Athens Department of Music Studies performs at the Church of the Resurrection

21st of June/5th of July, a Divine Liturgy was performed at the katholikon of the Church of the Resurrection.

The service was led by the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, as the choir sang under the direction of Mr Demetrios Balageorgos. The Choir visited Jerusalem in the context of the deliberations of the Interdisciplinary Conference held between 20-21 June 2015/3-4 July 2015 on the “Musical Manuscripts in the Collection of the Patriarchal Library of Jerusalem”. The choir’s performance deeply moved the congregation of locals and pilgrims visiting from Greece, Palestine, Russia and Romania.

St Andrew's Orthodox Theological College Graduation Doxology

Thanksgiving Service for Graduates

On Thursday 14 May 2015, the Thanksgiving Service for graduates of St Andrew’s Orthodox Theological College was celebrated at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady Theotokos (Redfern NSW). The evening's proceedings began with a Doxological Service chanted by students, past and present. His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, as Dean, recited a benediction over the graduates and conferred them with the College's Ecclesiastical Certificate.

Greek Foreign Minister visits the Patriarchate

Greek Foreign Minister visits the Patriarchate
Greek Foreign Minister visits the Patriarchate
Greek Foreign Minister visits the Patriarchate
Greek Foreign Minister visits the Patriarchate

On the afternoon of Sunday, the 22nd of June/5th of July 2015, the Greek Foreign Minister, Mr Nikolaos Kotzias, visited the Patriarchate. He was accompanied by associates of his: Ambassador Demetrios Paraskevopoulos, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ambassador Tasia Athanasiou, Director of the Diplomatic Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Konstantinos Koutras, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;  Georgios Mitrakos, Special Advisor to the Foreign Minister; Apostolos Theodorides, Security Officer of the Minister.

Diocesan Faithful Celebrate Fourth at Fort Ross

His Eminence, Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the West, led the annual pilgrimage of clergy and faithful from the Diocese of the West to Fort Ross State Historic Park on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Faithful have been gathering at Fort Ross every year since July 4, 1925 for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and fellowship at the first Orthodox chapel of prayer in the lower forty-eight.

The Day of the Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated in Serbia for the first time

On July 5, 2015, the Day of the Family, Love and Fidelity was celebrated for the first time at the Belgrade representation of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is the feast established on the commemoration day of the Most Orthodox Prince Petr and his five Fevronia, patrons of the family and marriage. The celebrations were organized by the Russian House and the ROC Belgrade representation.

The feast of Elisha the Prophet in Jericho

The feast of Elisha the Prophet in Jericho
The feast of Elisha the Prophet in Jericho
The feast of Elisha the Prophet in Jericho
The feast of Elisha the Prophet in Jericho

On Saturday, the 14th/27th of June 2015, the Patriarchate observed the memory of the prophet Elisha in Jericho, at the Monastery dedicated to his name, on the site of the sycamore fig-tree where Zacchaeus had climbed to see Christ (Luke 19, 1-10).