Orthodox Churches

Summer Institute for representatives of the Church of England begins its work in St. Petersburg

Summer Institute for representatives of the Church of England begins its work in St. Petersburg
Summer Institute for representatives of the Church of England begins its work in St. Petersburg
Summer Institute for representatives of the Church of England begins its work in St. Petersburg
Summer Institute for representatives of the Church of England begins its work in St. Petersburg

On September 17, 2019, the 3d Summer Institute for representatives of the Anglican Church began its work in St. Petersburg. It is organized by the Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute for Post-Graduate Studies (CMI). The delegation is led by Bishop Jonathan Goodall. It includes Rev. Canon James Hawkey, Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom, representatives of the clergy and academic community of the Anglican Church.

Patriarch of Antioch met Metropolitan of Stagoi and Meteora

Metropolitan John of Antioch held a meeting today, Thursday, September 19, with Metropolitan Theoklitos of Stagoi and Meteora.The Metropolitan was warmly welcomed by the Patriarch of Antioch and the Hierarchs of the Patriarchate of Antioch.

Patriarch Kirill blesses Statue of St. Olga of Kiev near tallest structure In Europe

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia blessed a beautiful monument to the Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Olga of Kiev last Sunday, reports the journal Foma. The statue is located in the Ostankino district of Moscow, within view of the tallest free-standing structure in Europe, and 11th tallest in the world—the Ostankino Tower.

Executive Committee of the Assembly of Bishops Recommits to Orthodox Unity in the USA

The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America met today, under the chairmanship of Archbishop Elpidophoros, to discuss the state of Orthodox Christian unity in the USA.

Recognizing the challenges in global Orthodoxy, the jurisdictional representatives reiterated their commitment to the local faithful of America and rededicated themselves to fulfilling the call for canonical normalcy and pastoral unity on contemporary issues.

Vigil in Dormition of Virgin Mary Holy Monastery in the French Alps

Vigil in Dormition of Virgin Mary Holy Monastery in the French Alps
Vigil in Dormition of Virgin Mary Holy Monastery in the French Alps
Vigil in Dormition of Virgin Mary Holy Monastery in the French Alps
Vigil in Dormition of Virgin Mary Holy Monastery in the French Alps

With the dedication and Byzantine majesty, the Holy Cross Feast was celebrated at the Holy Monastery of the Dormition of Virgin Mary La Faurie in the French Alps.

Ecumenical Patriarch departs for Athens and Rome

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew departed for Athens to attend the baptism of Great Logothete Theodoros Angelopoulos’ granddaughter.

Among those accompanying Ecumenical Patriarch, were Metropolitan Bartholomew of Smyrna, Patriarchal Deacon Mr. Aetios Nikiforos and Panagiotis Grafiadelis, secretaries of the Patriarchate.