Serbian Orthodox Church

Archbishop Jovan officiated Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky church

Archbishop Jovan officiated Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky church
Archbishop Jovan officiated Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky church
Archbishop Jovan officiated Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky church
Archbishop Jovan officiated Liturgy in St. Alexander Nevsky church

With the blessing of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch,  His Beatitude Jovan, Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the church of Saint Alexander Nevsky in Belgrade on the feast day of Holy Great Martyr and George the Victory-bearer.

His Beatitude was concelebrated by Their Graces Bishop David of Stobi, principal of the church of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky protopresbyter-staurophor Vajo Jovic, protopresbyter Branislav Jelic and deacons Aleksandar Sekulic and Branislav Kedzic.

A Historical Day for the Serbian Armed Forces

After the introduction of religious service into the Army of Serbia, the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces celebrated on 6 May 2018, for the first time, its Patron Saint-day (slava), the Holy Great-martyr George.

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, celebrated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy. He was concelebrated by mayor Revd. Sladjan Vlajic, the chief priest of the Serbian Armed Forces, and Captain Revd. Djordje Dimic, military chaplain at the Command of the Serbian Army; military chaplains Mayor Revd.  Nemanja Petrovic from the Military Academy, Captain Sasa Sovilj from the Military Medical Academy, Captain Djordje Stojisavljevic from the 1st Brigade of the Serbian Army and Captain Selimir Vagic from the River Flotilla; as well as by protodeacon Stevan Rapajic and deacon Dragan Tanasijevic. The choir Mojsije Popovic sang responses.

Sebastian Wine Begins New Chapter

Sebastian Wine Begins New Chapter
Sebastian Wine Begins New Chapter
Sebastian Wine Begins New Chapter
Sebastian Wine Begins New Chapter

The clergy of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America were recently invited by their spiritual father, His Grace Bishop Maxim, to take part in a project not typically given to clergy: to attend a wine tasting session, the results of which would produce liturgical wine to be used throughout this diocese and beyond.

Holy Assembly continues its work in Belgrade

The session of the highest hierarchal representation of the Serbian Orthodox Church was continued at the Hall for holding sessions of the Holy Assembly of Bishops at the Patriarchal residence in Belgrade chaired by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, on May 1, 2018 (photo gallery).

St. George's chapel consecrated in the Guard of the Army of Serbia

In the barracks "Dedinje" in Belgrade on April 25, 208, a chapel for religious services was consecrated in the Guard of the Serbian Armed Forces dedicated to the Great Martyr George the Victorious.

The Holy Liturgy was officiated by His Holiness Patriarch Irinej in attendance of the Chief of General Staff of the Army of Serbia General Ljubisa Dikovic with his associates, representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the donors of the newly built chapel and the members of the Serbian Guard Unit with the Commander-in-Chief General Milomir Todorovic at head.

Hierarchal Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec

Hierarchal Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec
Hierarchal Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec
Hierarchal Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec
Hierarchal Liturgy in the Patriarchate of Pec

Serbian Patriarch Irinej officiated the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the Pec Patriarchate on 29 April 2018 with the concelebration of hierachs summoned for the regular session of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Very Venerable Haritina, the new abbess of this royal stauropegial laura.

* photo gallery 1                                 * photo gallery  2

  At the beginning of this prayerful gathering, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, elevated mother Haritina to the rank of an  abbes of the Holy Laura of the Pec Patriarchate.