Serbian Orthodox Church

Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day 1

Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day 1
Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day 1
Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day 1
Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day 1

For the first time since its inception four years ago this year's St. Sebastian and St. Mardarije Orthodox Institute was hosted by a parish outside the Western American Diocese. The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Clearwater, Florida of the Eastern American Diocese, was host to this year's event.

Registration in the late afternoon hours on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, marked the beginning of the event. After Vespers, served by host priest V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Zaric, Their Graces Bishop Irinej of Eastern America and Bishop Maxim of Western America greeted all the gathered clergy and participants both in the church and later after dinner in the fellowship hall. Also attending this year's Institute were His Grace Bishop Longin of Midwestern America and His Grace Bishop Kirilo of Dioclea.

Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday

Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday
Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday
Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday
Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday

On Sunday, February 11, 2018, His Grace, our Bishop, Irinej served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church community of Washington D.C. along with host parish priest Rev. Dr. Vasilije Vranic. His Grace was in Washington D.C. to attend the St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church Annual Fundraiser two days prior.

As His Grace arrived to celebrate the Liturgy, he was greeted by the children of the St. Luke parish, comprising members of the Sunday School, Serbian School, and Folklore programs. The children presented His Grace with a bouquet of flowers.

Annual Fundraiser in Washington D.C.

Annual Fundraiser in Washington D.C.
Annual Fundraiser in Washington D.C.
Annual Fundraiser in Washington D.C.
Annual Fundraiser in Washington D.C.

On Friday, February 9, 2018, the St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church of Washington D.C. hosted their annual fundraiser in support of the church’s current mortgage and in the hope of one day constructing a Cathedral in the Capital of our nation.

Honored guests for this grand evening were His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, Their Royal Highnesses Prince Aleksandar and Princess Katherine of Serbia, The Honorable Zeljka Cvijanovic, Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, and the Honorable Professor Dr. Vladimir Marinkovic, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

Project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia” presented

Project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia” presented
Project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia” presented
Project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia” presented
Project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia” presented

President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Aleksandar Vucic along with the Croatian President Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic visited on the 12th of Feberuary 2018 the Residence of the Metropolitan of Zagreb-Ljubljana, where they talked with students of the Academy of the Serbian National Council. On this occasion they were presented a project “The Future of the Serbs in Croatia”.

At the beginning of their conversations, Serbian Orthodox Metropolitan Porfirije addressed Mr. Vucic and Mrs. Grabar Kitarovic pointing out that he himself was excited by the words they had pronounced that day, the words of responsibility for and care about normal relations between the two countries, Serbia and Croatia. Addressing President Vucic, His Excellency underlined that his visit represented encouragement for the Serbian people in Croatia. According to his words, Serbia and Croatia have been always directed to one another, but unfortunately, circumstances of life have been such "that we have moved away from each other."