Serbian Orthodox Church

Metropolitan Amfilohije visits Dominican Republic

His Eminence Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral kyr Amfilohije, bishop-administrator of the Diocese of Buenos Aires and South-Central American, visited from October 1-3, 2012 the Dominican Republic, regarding the organization of the church community of our Patriarchate in this Caribbean country.

Serbian Patriarch in canonical visit to the Patriarchate of Alexandria

His Holiness Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovac and Serbian Patriarch Irinej, accompanied by Their Graces Bishops, Jovan of Sumadija and Andrej of Remesiana, protopresbyter-staurophor Milutin Timotijevic, rector of the Seminary of Sts. Cyrill and Methodius in Nis, and deacon Aleksandar Sekulic began on October 5, 2012 his first visit to the Patriarchate of Alexandria after the election and enthronement.

His Holiness and the members of the official delegation were welcomed in Cairo by His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theorodos II of Alexandria and All Africa together with His Grace Bishop Nikodim of Nitrea, the Patriarch's vicar in Cairo. Later on they visited the historical monastery of Saint George. There they were being welcomed by abbot - His Grace Bishop Niphon of Babilon with clergy. 

Prayerful remembrance of defenders of Belgrade

Prayerful remembrance of defenders of Belgrade
Prayerful remembrance of defenders of Belgrade
Prayerful remembrance of defenders of Belgrade
Prayerful remembrance of defenders of Belgrade

Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, vicar of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch on Sunday with the concelebration of the priesthood of the church of Alexander Nevsky served the requiem for the defenders of Belgrade. That day on Dorcol, on the corner of Tsar Uros str. and Mile Alasa str., on the place where in 1915 Major Dragutin Gavrilovic commanded the defence of Belgrade,  several hundred citizens gathered to prayerfully remember of these Serbian heroes who gave their lives for the defence of the Fatherland and Belgrade.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria - photo gallery

  • Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria
    October 5, 2012
  • Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria
    October 6, 2012
  • Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria
    October 7, 2012
  • Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria
    October 8, 2012
  • Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Patriarchate of Alexandria
    October 9, 2012

photo: deacon Aleksandar Sekulic

Bishop Atanasije serves in Umcari and blesses bells in Drazanj

Bishop Atanasije serves in Umcari and blesses bells in Drazanj
Bishop Atanasije serves in Umcari and blesses bells in Drazanj
Bishop Atanasije serves in Umcari and blesses bells in Drazanj
Bishop Atanasije serves in Umcari and blesses bells in Drazanj

On Sunday, October 7, 2012 in the village of Drazanj near Umcari a rite of blessing the bells for a newly built church devoted to Holy martyrs of Sebaste was served. Blessing of the bells was performed with the blessing and on behalf of His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno with the concelebration of episcopal dean protopresbyter-staurophor Dragomir Ubiparovic, presbyter Aleksandar Mitrovic, Aleksandar Rajak, Dejan Todorovic, head of the church presbyter Goran Djukic, as well as deacon Dragan Tanasijevic and Darko Krstic.

Slava of Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade

In the chapel of Saint John the Chrysostom the slava of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade was celebrated.

The Holy Liturgy was served by His Grace Bishop Irinej of Metropolitanate of Australia-New Zealand with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop David of Krusevac, protopresbyter-staurophor professor Dr Predrag Puzovic, dean of the Faculty; as well as a few priests - professors, lecturers and assistants. The Liturgy was attended by Their Graces Bishops Irinej of Backa, Maxim of Western America and Porfirije of Jegar, as well as many guests and students of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology.