Serbian Orthodox Church

Slava of the church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo

Slava of the church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo
Slava of the church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo
Slava of the church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo
Slava of the church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo

The church of Saint Pantaleon in Mirijevo celebrated its slava with the Divine Liturgy served by His Grace Bishop Andrej of Remesiana, vicar of the Patriarch. 

Bishop Atanasije serves in the church of St. Petka on Cukarica

Bishop Atanasije serves in the church of St. Petka on Cukarica
Bishop Atanasije serves in the church of St. Petka on Cukarica
Bishop Atanasije serves in the church of St. Petka on Cukarica
Bishop Atanasije serves in the church of St. Petka on Cukarica

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served on August 8, 2012 on the feast day of Saint Petka the Roman, the Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint Petka on Cukarica. He was concelebrated by many priests and deacons. The church was full of believers.

Feast day's vesper services in Karanovac and Teslic

Feast day's vesper services in Karanovac and Teslic
Feast day's vesper services in Karanovac and Teslic
Feast day's vesper services in Karanovac and Teslic
Feast day's vesper services in Karanovac and Teslic

Bishop Vasilije of Zvornik-Tuzla served the vesper service on the Eve of the feast day in the church of Saint Prophet Elijah in Karanovac. He was concelebrated by local priests. 

Anniversary of the episcopal service on the throne of the Bishops of Nis of His Grace Bishop Dr Jovan (Puric) of Nis

On the day when the Orthodox Church celebrates prayerfully a solemn memorial of the Assumption of Saint Anna the Mother of Most Holy Theotokos and Saint deaconess Olympiad, the Church of Christ in Constantine's city of Nis solemnly celebrated the end of the blessed year of the episcopal service of His Grace, father and our teacher Dr Jovan. 

Celebration of the feast day of St. Elijah in Leska

Celebration of the feast day of St. Elijah in Leska
Celebration of the feast day of St. Elijah in Leska
Celebration of the feast day of St. Elijah in Leska
Celebration of the feast day of St. Elijah in Leska

HIs Grace Bishop Teodosije of Raska-Prizren served on the feast day of Saint Prophet Elijah the Divine LIturgy in Leska, in Northern Kosovo. He was concelebrated by the abbot of the monastery of Black River archimandrite Jovan and priests of the Episcopal Deanery of MItrovica. After the Liturgy and blessing the slava cake Bishop Teodosije consecrated a new church hall, and then later there was a cultural and art programme for the guests. 

On Prkos the restored church consecrated

On Prkos the restored church consecrated
On Prkos the restored church consecrated
On Prkos the restored church consecrated
On Prkos the restored church consecrated

The village Prkosi not so far from Bosanski Petrovac had on July 29, 2012 an unusual joy and memorable event. After a long-term reconstruction of the church, His Grace Bishop Hrizostom of Bihac-Petrovac consecrated the church of the Dormition of the Theotokos which was burnt by the Army of BiH in 1995.