Orthodox University to be opened in Kinshasa, Congo

Metropolitan Nicephorus of Central Africa (Patriarchate of Alexandria), met with the Minister of Higher Education and University of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Leonard Mashako Mamba, to request a final approval of the Orthodox University in Kinshasa. 

Medical and computer school are about to be opened within this university is also know Nicéphore Mgr. The minister "expressed willingness to grant final approval to the Orthodox University of Congo that has a modern infrastructure that can contribute to quality training of Congolese youth."

Royal Couple attend 100th Anniversary of St. George church in Shererville, Indiana

Royal Couple attend  100th Anniversary of St. George church in Shererville, Indiana

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander II and Crown Princess Katherine attended over the weekend 100th Anniversary of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Schererville, Indiana. Celebration that took place on Saturday and Sunday was also attended by H.E. Mr. Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, and Mr. Desko Nikitovic, Serbian Consul General in Chicago.

Solidarity march in Jerusalem

United in pain and solidarity, the Christian communions in Jerusalem on Sunday, October 16, organized a march  as a sign of support to Christians in Egypt, after the violence in Cairo on October 9, when 27 Copts were killed and 200 were wounded.

Source: Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral

The Secretary of the American Council visited Patriarch Theophilos

The Secretary of the American Council visited Patriarch Theophilos

On Tuesday September 28th /October 11th 2011, the secretary of the American Council in Jerusalem Mrs. Cheryl Igiri visited His Beatitude Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos

In this meeting His Beatitude and Mrs. Igiri discussed issues concerning the Holy Land as a sacred land for the three monotheistic religions and the Holy City of Jerusalem as “the center of the world” meaning a religious, cultural and educational center in the Middle East as well as worldwide.They also discussed the role of the Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem through the centuries in the Middle East and the importance of Its peacekeeping role nowadays.