Christian world
Support Brkic famly!
25. October 2013 - 13:30Please visit
The Brkic triplets now have a website where you can donate for surgical expenses
to restore sight for Nada and Slobodan. Their Serbian names Vera, Nada, and
Slobodan translate to Faith, Hope, and Freedom. Two of the triplets were born
blind as a result of overdose of oxygen in their incubator, by mistake of their
doctors. Dr. De Juan will treat them at the University of San Francisco. Our prayers
will help as will donations to help with medical and travel expenses.
Please give what you can. So far, the first surgery has been successful. You can use PayPal for credit card donations on the website.
Cross set up at the bottom of the Black Sea
24. October 2013 - 8:37Divers set up a cross at the bottom of theBlack Sea in the district of the Karantinnaya Bay in Sevastopol.
Earlier, dean of the Sevastopol churchdistrict Archpriest Sergy Khalyuta consecrated it to commemorate Orthodox Christians perished in the sea.
Orthodox divers initiated setting up the cross in frames of the project the Holy Sea timed for celebrations of the 1025 anniversary of the Baptism of Russia, press service of the Simferopol Diocese reports.
Second Interfaith Dialogue between Serbia and Indonesia
22. October 2013 - 9:42The state religious delegation of the Republic of Serbia is in the official visit to Indonesia from 22-26 October 2013 where they participate on the Second Bilateral Interfaith Dialogue between Serbia and Indonesia.
The first time in history of our country the state officials and all religious primates together in the official visit to one state. For the intereligious dialogue with Indonesia, the Republic of Serbia formed the highest state religious delegation consinsting of:
- His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch, chief of the religious part of the delegation
- Dr. Mileta Radojevic, chief of the state part of the delegation, Director of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities
- Dr. Dragan Novakovic, assistant to Director of the Office
- Mons. Stanislav Hocevar, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade
- Adem effendi Zilkic, Reis-ul-Ulema of the Islamic Community of Serbia
- Isak Asiel, rabi of the Jewish Community in Serbia
- Muhamed ef. Jusufspahic, mufti of Serbia and imam of Belgrade, deputy of Reis-ul-ulema of the Islamic Community of Serbia
- Professor Dr. Dragomir Sando, Vice Dean at the Faculty of the Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade
- Dr. Aleksandar Rakovic, Coordinator of the Interfaith Dialogue of of Serbia and Indonesia and President of the Society of the Serbian-Indonesian Friendship "Nusantara"
- Protodeacon Radomir Rakic, Editor in Chief of the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Amid new attacks, Egypt’s Copts preserve heritage
18. October 2013 - 14:56
THE RED MONASTERY, Egypt (AP) — Locked inside a 6th century church in a desert monastery are some of the jewels of early Christianity — ancient murals in vivid pinks, greens and reds depicting saints, angels and the Virgin Mary with a baby Jesus, hidden for centuries under a blanket of black soot.
Syria: Christians erect statue of Jesus Christ as symbol of hope and peace
18. October 2013 - 14:50Envoys of the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches have erected a monumental statue of Christ on top of the Cherubim Mountain in the Syrian city of Saidnaya. The statue symbolizes hope and peace.
Icon of St Innocent of Irkutsk presented to Orthodox parish in Hong Kong
17. October 2013 - 10:13
On 14 October 2013, the feast day of the Intercession of the Mother of God, an icon of St Innocent of Irkutsk, the heavenly patron of the Orthodox Church in China, was presented to the Orthodox parish of Ss Peter and Paul in Hong Kong with the blessing of Metropolitan Vadim of Irkutsk and Angarsk.