Christian world
International Food and Beverages Exhibition in Tokyo, FOODEX 2013
12. March 2013 - 14:53At this year’s 38th International Food and Beverages Exhibition in Tokyo FOODEX 2013, the Wine Cellars of Tvrdoš Monastery presented its wines. Each year 75.000 visitors visit this fair, which is among the biggest in Asia. The Winery Tvrdoš participated at the Fair upon the invitation of the Japanese Trade Organization JETRO, at the Japanese Government, and by means of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH.
Extend a Lifeline with Music - Fundraiser Event Annoucement
25. February 2013 - 11:07Please join Serbs from around the tri-state area and our featured accordionists on Saturday, March 9th at the American Serbian Club (Sarah St., South Side - Pittsburgh) as we "EXTEND A LIFELINE WITH MUSIC"! Proceeds directly benefit Lifeline, HRH Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia's principal charity. Lifeline began its humanitarian work in 1993 in response to the tragedies faced by our Serbian orphans, refugees, and the disabled during the decade-long struggles in Serbia. The organization focuses on helping the disadvantaged children of Serbia and through generous worldwide contributions, Lifeline provides direct aid for those in need. The lifeline you extend in support of this event will let our disadvantaged hear your voice, give them strength, and help change their lives forever!
Faith “DESPITE” Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
25. February 2013 - 10:56Could you imagine living in constant, chronic pain? Try to picture waking up experiencing agonizing pain; envision going about your day hurting, and then going back to sleep at night, the way you felt when you woke up, or possibly worse. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Now attempt to imagine not being able to get rid of that pain, no matter what you do. It’s always there.
Epistle of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on the Day of Orthodox Youth
17. February 2013 - 13:00Dear Brothers and Sisters! I express my heartfelt congratulations to you on this feast day of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and the Day of Orthodox Youth.
Turning my mind’s eye to the events which led to the establishment of this church holiday, we and Righteous Simeon both joyfully greet the Savior Who was brought to the Temple of Jerusalem. But this event, in addition to its historic significance, has another symbolic meaning: in this we see the mystical meeting of the Creator and His creation, the personal meeting of mankind and God.
Patriarch of Jerusalem: Address at the festive season celebration of the Jerusalem municipality
6. February 2013 - 11:59Holy City of Jerusalem, 30 January 2012
Mr. Mayor
Esteemed Members of the City Council,
Fellow Leaders of our Religious Ccommunities,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In this holiday season, our hearts and minds are turned to that great promise that forms the origin of the Abrahamic traditions. This is the promise of peace. Peace is the foundation of the name of Jerusalem itself and the promise of our very destiny as a city.
Feast day of Saint Sava celebrated throughout Australia and New Zealand
31. January 2013 - 12:37Melbourn (Elaine): The central Saint Sava celebration in Australia and New Zealand was at the monastery of Saint Sava in Elaine, near Melbourn, where eight thousand believers gathered. His Grace Bishop Irinej of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand celebrated the Divine Liturgy. The choir Kornelije Stankovic from the parish of Saint Archdeacon Stephen from Keysborough sang responses.After the procession around the monastery church of Saint Sava, Bishop Irinej cut the slava cake.