Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Prayerful remembrance of King Peter II Karageorgevich

His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, Vicar of Serbian Patriarch, served yesterday in the church of St. Sava in Belgrade the memorial service to King Peter II Karageorgevich. At the prayerful remembrance of King Peter, besides priests and deacons of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac who served, there were representatives of many organizations and associations, and lots of believers of the capital. 

His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch concludes his canonical visit to Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served yesterday, on the feast day of St. Prohor of Pcinja, with the concelebration of His Eminence Amfilohije Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, heugomen of the Holy imperial laura of Hilandar Archimandrite Metodije and priesthood, the Divine Liturgy in the monastery of Zdrebaonik near Danilovgrad. 

Patriarch's blessing to the Church of God in Sumadija

A church, devoted to St. Sava Serbian, which the Orthodox believers of Sumadija and Kragujevac have been building it for two decades, was consecrated by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops - Jovan of Sumadija and Hrisostom of Zica, as well as priests of the Diocese of Sumadija.

Wonderworking icon of Holy Unmercenaries in the St Sava Cathedral

Pious people of the Serbian capital in recent days had an unusual opportunity to bow in the St. Sava Cathedral to the miraculous icon of the Holy Unmercenaries and wonder-workers, Cosmas and Damian from the monastery Zociste in Kosovo and Metochia.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits monastery of St. Stephen in Gornje Zapsko

After the end of the consecration of the church of Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher and Venerable Justin of Celije and Vranje in Vranje. His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch accompanied by Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, visited monastery of of Holy first martyr and archdeacon Stephen in Gornje Zapsko, the municipality of Vranje.