Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Serbian Patriarch Irinej consecrates church of St. Great Martyr Justin the Philosopher and Venerable Justin of Celije

On the occasion of the consecration of newly built church of St. Great martyr Justin the Philosopher and Venerable Justin of Celije in Vranje, upon the invitation of His Grace Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, on October 18, 2010 His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch visited Vranje. /photo gallery

President of Croatia visits Monastery of Krka

His Grace Bishop Fotije of Dalmatia met with President of the Republic of Croatia Dr Ivo Josipovic on October 5, 2010 in the Krka Monastery. Mr. Josipovic was accompanied by Minister of Science Dr. Radovan Fuks; President of the SPC Mr. Milorad Pupovac; Advisor to the President Mr. Sinisa Tatalovic; other associates of the president and representatives of Serbs in the Croatian Assembly. During the reception Mr. Stanimir Vukicevic, the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Croatia, joined the talks.

New church for Serbs in Vienna

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch  met with the Austrian President Heinz Fischer and the Mayor of Vienna Michael Heupl. Patriarch received a promise that it a new church will be built in the part of Vienna, where live most of the Serbs.

Serbian Patriarch Irinej visits Cardinal Schoenborn, Austrian President Fischer and Vienna's Mayor Heupl

The day of the visit of His Holiness Irinej Serbian Patriarch to Austria, today was marked by dialogue with the representatives of Church and State. Patriarch has a breakfast at first with the Vienna archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn in Arcbbishop's palace near the cathedral of St. Stephen, and then he visited the Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer in the Hofburg Castle and the Vienna Mayor Michael Heupl at the City Hall.

Serbian Patriarch in Linz and Vienna: Kosovo is our incurable wound

The First hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch visited yesterday Linz in Upper Austria, the city where 7000 Serbs live. Patriarch served the Divine Liturgy in the church of St. Basil of Ostrog.