Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Patron Saint's Day of Monastery of Mileshevo

At the monastery of Mileshevo this year there was a formal celebration of the founder's Patron Saint's Day - Holy King Vladislav. On this occasion on Tuesday, October 6 there was a feast vesper service and fervent prayer for the martyrs of Kosovo, after which there was a cultural and art program.

Consecration of the generally renovated cathedral church in Tuzla

Bishop Vasilije of Zvornik and Tuzla consecrated on October 4, 2009 with the concelebration of Bishops: Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, Dositej of Great Britain and Scandinavia, Justin of Timok, Jovan of Shumadija, Atanasije of Hvosno, Porfirije of Jegar, Teodosije of Lipljan, many priests, monks, deacons and hierodeacons a newly renovated cathedral church of the Assumption of Holy Mother of God and an episcopal residence in Tuzla after which the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy was served.

The Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross

His Grace, Bishop Maxim and Fr. Fr. Nikola Todorovic from St. Stephen the Archdeacon in Milwaukie, Oregon visited the parish of St. John the Wonderworker on the occasion of the Great Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, the triumphal feast commemorating both St. Helena's finding of the Precious Cross on which Christ was crucified and the freedom of this Cross from captivity by the Persians.

St. George church in Hermitage receives new paint job

Just as work around the house is endless the same applies to the parish. Each year parishioners come together at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage to help clean up, do yard work and so on. But after a certain number of years the church and hall require more attention.

SOYA Networking/leadership Conference, September 2009

Victoria University-Flinders Street Campus - The Serbian Orthodox Youth of Victoria stormed the conference rooms at Victoria University on Saturday 12 September 2009 for their inaugural Youth Leadership Conference. Over 50 vibrant, intelligent and enthusiastic young people gathered to show that the Serbian community of Melbourne is ready to change for the better. The conference highlighted the enthusiasm and overwhelming positivity of the youth regarding the future of the Serbian Orthodox Youth Association (SOYA) and the Serbian community in general.

Episcopal visit marks the beginning of the Church school year

St George Serbian Orthodox Church was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop Dr +Mitrofan to start off the 2009-2010 Church School Year.  The day began with Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, presided over by His Grace, with many concelebrating clergy in attendance:  Very Rev Rodney Torbic, director of Religious Education in the Serbian Eastern Diocese and parish priest of St George in Charmichael, PA; Parish priest of St George in Lorain, Rev Aleksa Pavichevich; Rev Dn Dragoslav Kosic, Epicopal Deacon; and Rev Dn Zeljko Jurisic from St Archangel Michael in Akron.