Eparchial (Diocesan) News

New attack on church of St Procopius in Visoko

Uknown persons in the night between September 13 and 14, 2009 broke into the church of the Saint Greatmartyr Procopius in Visoko. According to the parish priest presbyter Marko Malesh of Kakanj, who serves also the parish of Visoko, in the church the whole inventory was ransacked, but nothing is missing, since the icons and other worthy stuff were moved because of frequent burglaries in the church.

Holy Resurrection festively marked beginning of new Church school year

With the archpastoral blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan +Christopher, liturgical festivities at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral began with Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM The Divine Liturgy was served by special guest hierarch, His Grace Bishop Dr. +Maxim of Western America, assisted by cathedral clergy, Fr Darko Spasojevic, cathedral dean, Fr. Radovan Jakovljevic, Fr. Vasilije Vranic, Fr. Dennis Pavichevich, retired parish priest of Holy Resurrection and former dean, and Deacon Damjan Bozic.

The 2009/2010 Academic year begins at St. Sava Academy

The first day of school for St. Sava Academy students was a very eventful one. The day began with students meeting their teachers in their respective classrooms. Afterward, the students, staff and parents walked over to the Cathedral for a special prayer and blessing to mark the start of the new school year.

Liturgical and prayer meeting on September 13, 2009 celebrating 700 years of Monastery of Tresija on Kosmaj

Seven centuries marked by the Crucifixion of Christ and Resurrection of Christ, three significant jubilees - seven centuries since the building, three hundred years since the first restoration and seventy years since beginning of the last restoration of Holy Archangelic monastery of Tresije were celebrated by the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by Bishop Jovan of Shumadija with the concelebration of Bishop Teodosije of Lipljan and heugemon of the monastery of Dechani.

Procession from Jagodina to Monastery of Joshanica

On Saturday, Septembar 12, at 13 a solemn procession, led by His Grace Bishop Jovan of Shumadija, went from the Old Church in Jagodina to the Monastery of Joshanica on the occasion of a celebration of Patron Saint Day of the monastery chapel of the Synaxys of All Serbian Saints.

Source: Diocese of Shumadia