Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Celebration in basketball camp Dejan Bodiroga in Trebinje

The famous Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodiroga said tonight that a basketball camp in Trebinje, which is organized this year for the fourth time, managed to become traditional. " The goal has been reached, for the Camp succeeded completely by any means. More and more participants from many countries come every year", Bodiroga said at the celebration in Trebinje on the occasion of 4th basketball camp "Dejan Bodiroga".

Extraordinary session held in New Gracanica

An extraordinary session of the New Gracanica - Midwestern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America was held at the New Gracanica Monastery on Saturday, July 11, 2009. The agenda was completed successfully.

St Vitus Day in Kosovo and Metohija

Commemorating St Vitus Day in Grachanica is followed by many cultural manifestations which begin fifteen days before the actual holiday. As
a part of this manifestations book promotions, concerts, photo exhibitions and pictures, young poets' evenings. Last two evenings before St Vitus Day are reserved for two most visited events - " Most beautiful girl of Kosovo" and " St Vitus Day poet communion".

Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathdral of Cleveland celebrates 100th anniversary

By the grace of God, on June 13th and 14th 2009, Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Catheral of Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated its 100th anniversary. It was an exceptional honor for the Cleveland parish to have all four Bishops from the United States present at the celebration; His Eminence, Metropolitan of Libertyville and Chicago, Christopher, His Grace, Bishop of Eastern America Dr. Mitrophan, His Grace, Bishop of New Gracanica and Midwest America Longin, and His Grace Bishop of Western America Dr. Maxim.

The celebration began on Saturday, June 13th, with a vespers service. Present at the service were His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan and the local clergy, V. Rev. Vasilije Sokolovic, retired priest from Saint Sava Cathedral, V. Rev. Steven Calos from the Greek Orthodox Church, Cleveland Heights, V. Rev. Rade Merick, from the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Stubenville, Oh, Rev. Alex Pavicevich from the Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Oh, V. Rev. Ilija Merzev from the Russian Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Oh, Fr. Vladimir Demshuk from the Serbian Orthodox Church in Clierton, Pa, and Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, from Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland, Oh. Choir Negos did the responses under the direction of Milan Damljanovic.

Vaso Despotovic Awarded The Order of Australia

We are proud to announce that Mr Vaso Despotovic, the founder and the Director of BEO Group Australia has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia as honours of Queen Elizabeth Birthday for his support to the Serbian community in Australia.

Recognised for his compassion, leadership, humanitarian efforts and activities in Australia and in the countries of former Yugoslavia, as well as strengthening the links between these countries and working tirelessly on preserving the national culture and heritage among the Serbian community in Australia during the past 15 years.

Main Cemetery in Stapar Desecrated

At the main cemetery in Stapar, in the evening between May 31 and June 1, 2009, vandals destroyed and desecrated around three hundred graves. An examination at the scene of the crime was completed the same morning and besides the executive of the Secretariat of interior affairs and the assistant to the public defendant, the judge of the township court of Sombor was also present. Criminal charges were pressed against the unknown vandals for damages done to the cemetery.