Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Archpastoral Paschal Message of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand



Addressing you: beloved monastics, clergy, all sons and daughters, the faithful spiritual children of our Holy Church, with a heart resounding and overflowing with joy in the victory of the inextinguishable light over the death-bearing darkness of sin, the great and victory-bearing Feast of Feasts - The Resurrection of Christ, We wholeheartedly greet all of you with the salvific Christian greeting:


A scientific meeting on father Justin Popovic held in Vranje

In a grand hall of the City Hall of Vranje a scientific meeting "Father Justin Popovic - life and works" was held on April 4, 2009 , organized by the Orthodox diocese of Vranje,  city of Vranje, the literary community "Borisav Stankovic" and a society "Father Justin Popovic"from Vranje. In a full hall of the City Hall of Vranje prominent bishops of our Church spoke about father Justin Popovic :  retired Bishop Atanasije of Zahumlje and Hercegovina and Vicar Bishop Porfirije of Jegar, and guests of Bishop Pahomije of Vranje were Bishop Ignjatije of Branichevo and Bishop Jovan of Shumadija.

Spiritual Celebration of Great Lent in the Monastery of the Protection of the Mother of God, Tallong

During the period of Great Lent in which we currently find ourselves, we attempt to fast at least a little bit more strictly than during the other three Great Fasts. This Paschal or Honourable Fast is fasted more strictly and the days of the fast greatly affect the current of daily church services which we serve in our holy Parishes and especially in our Monasteries.

Again burglary in Old Church in Mostar

In Mostar in the night between Friday and Saturday (March 13-14, 2009), a hospitality residence and a bookshop,which are located next to Church of Nativity of the Mother of God - the Old Churchin Bjelusine, a district of Mostar. This is the first robbery and burglary of the church property in Mostar after almost one year, when offenders, who had broken into and desecrated the church after 10 days of previous burglaries, were arrested and went to trial. The investigation on the spot was carried out by members of the Ministry of Interior of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

Source: Diocese of Zahumlje and Herzegovina - CC Mostar

Pan-Orthodox Celebration Sunday of Orthodoxy in Los Angeles

The celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy was conceletrated this year by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco,, His Grace Bishop Joseph of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America, together with Deans, Clergy and members of their respective flocks. As one of the Hierarchs on the West Coast, His Grace Bishop Benjamin of the Diocese of the West, Orthodox Church of America had planned to attend. At the last moment however, His Grace was unable to join the Hierarchs for this Celebration.

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Libertyville, Illinois

The first Sunday of the Great Fast is called the Sunday of Orthodoxy. On this day, in commemoration of the victory of Orthodoxy over heresies, the holy Church, as a loving Mother, invites her faithful children to venerate and honor in piety the holy icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Saints. Once every year, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Orthodox people in America emerge from their ethnic islands to celebrate the triumph of the Orthodox Faith over the iconoclastic heresy.