Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Welcome of The New Year of Our Lord 2009

On occasion of a welcome of the New Year 2009, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno served a fervent prayer at the St Sava Cathedral on Vrachar with concelebration of many priests of the Archbishopric Belgrade-Karlovac. The fervent prayer was attended by several thousand faithful crowded at the St Sava Square.

Church-youth seminar 2008, St.Sava Monastery New Kalenic

The Serbian Orthodox community of Australia and New Zealand has a future, and a very bright one at that. The events of the first National Church-Youth Seminar of 2008 held at our beautiful Monastery of St. Sava in Hall (A.C.T) have proven this. From the 26-28 December, over 40 of the finest young Serbian minds of Australia and New Zealand descended on our nation's capital of Canberra. They came to fulfill their long-awaited dream of forming a Church-Youth organization which would gather young Serbs around our Holy Church and represent not only our youth, but our entire community to the world around us. The result was an explosion of intellectual activity and great ideas rarely seen in our community, and a true spirit of Orthodox Christian fellowship being formed among the delegates of the many cities and parishes - most of whom didn't want the weekend to end. The participants slowly trickled into to the Monastery over Thursday night and Friday, giving everybody an opportunity to get to know each other even before the beginning of the Seminar.

Metropolitan Amfilohije served a Midnight Christmas Holy Liturgy at the St Sava Cathedral

For the glory of Nativity of God-child and Our Savior Lord Jesus Christ, at the midnight between January 6 and 7, 2009, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Cetinje and the Littoral served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the Cathedral of St Sava on Vracar with the concelebration of eight priests and four deacons of the Archbishopric Belgrade-Karlovac.

Christmas Eve in Belgrade

Tonight on Christmas Eve at the old church of St. Sava inVracar with blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia , His GraceBishop Atanasije of Hvosno served the holiday, Christ`s vigil.

Bishop Atanasije served with the concelebration of many priests,deacons and hierodeacons from the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac.

After the vesper , severalthousand faithful citizens gathered infront of the church. His Grace Bishop Atanasije blessed and set on fire the Yule logtogether with chanting the Christmas hymn: Your Nativity.

An Interview of His Grace, Dr. Irinej, Bishop of Bačka

Епископ бачки Иринеј Episkop backi Irinej

An Interview of His Grace, Dr. Irinej, Bishop of Bačka with Mr. Milorad Vučelić, the main Editor-In-Chief of PEČAT. This interview was published in the 44th issue, p. 17-25, of December 26, 2008.

Interview of His Grace Dr. Irinej, Bishop of Backa may read in PDF.

The Orthodox church of St Gregory, in Livadje in Kosovo and Metochia, was demolished

The Eparchy of Raska and Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church has reported that on the night between 7 and 8 January, the Orthodox church of St Gregory the Theologue, in Livadje, a village near Gracanina, in central Kosmet, was demolished. When this morning, on the second day of Christmas, we found the church opened and entered, we saw a horrible sight. The icons were scattered around and some money and church artefacts were missing, local priest Svetislav Trajkovic said. The case has been reported to the Kosovo Police in Lipljan, which made an inspection. At issue is yet another in a series of attacks on Serbian sanctities, which shows to what extent the religious and cultural heritage in Kosovo-Metohija is threatened, the Eparchy’s statement reads.