Eparchial (Diocesan) News

What a beautiful celebration, Father of the tradition of St Sava!

After a completion of the service of the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and paraklesis dedicated to Holy Belgrade first martyrs Hermylusand Stratonicus , and with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia and His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno with associates visited the Special Hospital for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Neurology, as well as the clinic for rehabilitation Dr Miroslav Zotovic in Sokobanjska street , in Belgrade.

Bishop Mitrophan visits Carmichaels parish on the Eve of Theophany

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Eastern America came to St.George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on the Eve of Theophany, Sunday, January 5/18, 2009 to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, serve the Great Blessing of the Water and to Bless the nearby Monongahela River located within view of the St.George Church.

Meeting between Metropolitan Jovan and representatives of the Ministry of Science and the City of Zagreb

On January 12, 2009, Metropolitan Jovan held a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (Republic Croatia) and representatives of the city of Zagreb. On behalf of the Ministry, the meeting was attended by Secretary of State Prof. Zelimir Janjic; Secretary of State Prof. Dr Sci. Diana Vican and Josip Ujevic, advisor of the minister; and on behalf of the city of Zagreb: Mayor of Zagreb Milan Bandic, Dusko Ljustina, a member of the City Hall foreducation, culture and sport; Jelena Pavichic Vukichevic, Head of the City bureau of education, culture and sport; Deputy Head of the City bureau for finance Vera Salopek; Sanja Pavlovic, a chief of the department for administrative and legal affairs.

New police violence against the Church

Heavy police forces prevented this morning priesthood of the Hierarchal Chaplaincy ofCetinje from serving the Holy Liturgy on occasion of a holiday of St John, aPatron Saint day of the church in Bajice near Cetinje. Priests have tried toenter the church but the police cordon prevented them by force.

After that few followers of the sect of defrocked priestDedeic. The priesthood of Cetinje currently is in front of the police cordon,which is still preventing any entry into the church, and is serving the ferventprayer to Saint John the Baptist and the Mother of God.

More information about these events in Cetinje can be found HERE / video, photo - Svetigora Press/

Source: Metropolitanat of Montenegro and the Littoral


Children's camp at the New Kalenic Monastery in Canberra


Saturday the 17th of January, 2009 marked the end of yet another successful children's camp at the New Kalenic Monastery in Canberra. The camp, for children aged 7-12 years, lasted one week, with over 20 children participating. Blessed with beautiful weather all week, the monastery grounds were covered with little footsteps that just couldn't get enough of the sun!

Each day started with a morning church service at 8am, followed by the raising of both the Australian and Serbian flags and the singing of each national anthem. Breakfast was then served and after a short break, camp organisers treated the kids to either a lesson by one of our spiritual leaders or an activity like making prayer beads or colouring in pictures of bishops, priests and deacons. Following lunch and even more activities, the children and their counsellors headed back up to the church for the evening service.

An Australian Christmas Eve with "Nole"

Serbian Tennis Star NovakDjokovic spent Christmas Eve with the faithful of the St. Nicholas SerbianOrthodox Church in Wolloongabba, Brisbane.
Our youngest among the faithful were especially thrilled with his presence andtook advantage of this unique opportunity to ask for his autograph. Mr. ZeljkoGrbic, president of this Church-School Congregation gifted Nole with a 2009Serbian Orthodox Planner, which is published by the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand.

Source: www.soc.org.au