Eparchial (Diocesan) News

The FYR Macedonia – Verdicts out of court

Former Prime Minister of Macedonia Mr Vlado Buchkovski requests a dissolution of the judiciary in Republic of Macedonia, stressing that in the country exists only the judiciary controlled by the ruling political parties.

АрхиепископFor a long period of time the public in Republic of Macedonia has been a witness of the international community has been pointing at the Macedonian judiciary which is corrupted and controlled by the ruling political parties , and that forms the greatest obstacle for the Republic Macedonia in its way to achieve contemporary values of our civilization.

The former prime minister and current representative in the Council, Mr Vlado Buchkovski, which had been sentenced for 3 years and 6 months in prison, have requested recently to ‘' dissolve the judiciary'' in Republic of Macedonia, stating that ‘'judges get verdicts out of courts'' and also accusing that in Macedonia existed only ‘' judiciary controlled by the ruling political parties'' (Sitel TV, News, 11.12.2008).

Symposium on ‘’ Pastoral practice and religious education in Archbishopric’’

Богословски ФакултетWith the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia, on Thursday, December 11, 2008 His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral served , with the concelebration of His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, Holy Hierarchal Liturgy in the chapel of Saint John The Theologian at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade


Spiritual growth in the parish of St George Great Martyr in Elizabeth, NJ

With the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, on Sunday November 2nd, for the first time in its 47-year-long history, the parish of St George Great Martyr in Elizabeth, NJ greeted a number of holy relics for our spiritual growth as well as the healing of both the body and the soul:

Pan-Orthodox Gathering in Commemoration of the 2,000th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Paul

On Tuesday, November 28th, His Grace, Bishop Maxim and the St. Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Western American Diocese hosted this very special Pan-Orthodox Gathering in Commemoration of the 2,000th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Paul.

The annual meeting of the Executive board of the Central Council for the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America

The annual meeting of the Executive board of the Central Council for the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America began today at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois.

Clergy Hospitalization Plan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America

The Clergy Administrator for the Clergy Hospitalization Plan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, Fr. Milovan Katanic, would like to inform all clergy that the Orthodox Health Plan is now accepting clergy during their open enrollment.

"The Orthodox Health Plan (OHP) is a PPO Plan which offers our clergy and lay employees the broadest and most flexible coverage and includes a prescription, drug, dental benefits. Our health insurance carrier is Aetna which is one of the single largest healthcare providers in the nation.