Eparchial (Diocesan) News

The Serbian Orthodox faithful of Boise, Idaho received for the first time Bishop Maxim

The Serbian Orthodox faithful of Boise, Idaho finally received for the first time their diocesan bishop, Bishop Maxim of Western America, who made a archpastoral visit on Saturday, December 27, 2008. Visiting with the bishop was V. Rev. Blasko Paraklis.

Bishop Maxim officiated that day at the Divine Liturgy at the local Greek Orthodox Church. Assisting the bishop were Fr. Nektarios Serfes and Fr. Blasko Paraklis. Some sixty people actively attended and participated in this eucharistic event. A lunch was served following the liturgy. The faithful were overjoyed with the bishop's archpastoral visit which signified a beginning of a more active church life for them in their city of Boise.

Another church burglarized in Kosovo and Metochia

The Raško-Prizrenska Eparchy announced that the church, dedicated to Sv. Jovan (St. John) is located in Ranilug.

Foundation of the St Simeon Church Consecrated in Las Vegas, NV

On Sunday, December 21st, the foundations of the Saint Simeon the Myrhgusher Chursh in Las Vegas, were consecrated by the Liturgical celebration and action of His Grace, Bishop Maxim who visited this Serbian Orthodox Parish especially for this occasion.

Saint Nicholas Feast in Orange County, CA

On Friday, December 19th, His Grace, Bishop Maxim visited the Serbian Orthodox Parish in Orange County. Bishop celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at 10.00am. The faithful, consisted mostly from those who celebrate Saint Nicholas as their Slava, attended and participated in this eucharistic event.

His Grace Irinej Visits U.S. On Behalf of IOCC

Bishop Irinej

Over 200 people, from various jurisdictions, gathered together on Sunday, November 16 Minneapolis for the annual IOCC Benefit Dinner. His Grace Bishop IRINEJ of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand was the featured speaker and shared his personal experiences about working with IOCC. Also addressing the audience was IOCC Board Vice-chair Dr. Frank Cerra. A special musical presentation was made by music professor and composer Chris Granias and vocalist Emily Rakes. Granias composed a hymn titled "The IOCC Anthem" which was performed by Ms. Rakes.

Formal academy dedicated to Slobodan Jovanovic

Last night giving an inspired speech HisEminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral attended a formalacademy at the Kolarac Foundation in Belgrade on the occasion of founding a Slobodan Jovanovic Fund. The Fund isgoing to deal with publishing the rich written heritage of Slobodan Jovanovicas well as let our and international public learn about the life and the worksof this significant Serbian, who was banned and unjustly ignored in previous decades.