Eparchial (Diocesan) News

Clergy Seminar in Shadeland, Diocese of Eastern America

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Vespers 6:00 pm

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Divine Liturgy 8:00 am

A presentation by Fr. Aleksa Micich and discussion will follow the Divine Liturgy. Fr. Micich's talk will be entitled:

"The Use of Biological Agents in Modern Society"

Source: www.easterndiocese.org

Metropolitan Nikolaj and Bishop Mitrophan visit parish in Hermitage, Pa

The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage hosted a choir concert weekend on October 17-18.  The St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Choir from Hamilton, Ontario were the honored guest choir. The Men's Choir "Kosovo" of Northeast Ohio also participated in the concert.

Parish of St. Basil of Ostrog in Lake Forest IL celebrates 10th anniversary

On Sunday, October 18, 2009, His Grace Bishop LONGIN of New Gracanica and Midwestern America made his first archpastoral visit to St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church in Lake Forest, Illinois.  On this day, the parish welcomed its new parish priest, V. Rev. Djuro Krosnjar, as well as celebrated its tenth anniversary of existence.  Serving with His Grace were several priests and deacons, including Priest Thomas Martinian from Kenya.

Slava of the New Gracanica Monastery

October 14, 2009 - Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God - Slava of the New Gracanica Monastery. Together with the Serbian bishops from America, His Eminence Nikolaj - Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosna will also be serving. Divine Liturgy begins at 10am.

Source: www.newgracanica.com

75 years since the death of King Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic in Marseilles

On the occasion of 75 years since the death of King Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic in Marseilles, at the Church of St George in Oplenac, on October 9, 2009, on the day of St John the Theologian , His Grace Bishop Jovan of Shumadija served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy and the memorial service with the concelebration of His Grace retired Bishop Nikolaj of Aljaska and many priests of the county of Oplenac. Prince Vladimir with his wife Brigite, Dragan Jovanovic, the president of Municipality of Topola as well as many children from the primary and high school Karadjordje and King Peter I from Topola.