Orthodox Churches

Archbishop Anastasios handed the diplomas to the graduates of the Theological Academy

At the graduation ceremony of the students of the Theological Academy, operating by the Orthodox Church of Albania in Durres, Archbishop Anastasios handed the diplomas.

In the event there also participated Metropolitan Nikolaos of Appolonia and Fieri, Metropolitan Antonios of Elbasan and Bishop Astios of Vilida, as well as the teaching staff.

Orthodox Church of Ukraine: Filaret has no right to convene a local council

An announcement on the Autocephaly of the Local Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the intention to “convene the Local Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate of Kiev” was published today, Friday 14, by the Press Office of the Autocephalous Church of Ukraine.

In the aforementioned announcement, it is explicably clarified that “the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church has the complete status of Autocephaly, that is, full administrative independence. It is not “a Metropolis of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and does not belong to it, maintaining the same prayer and communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate as the other local churches”.

Completion of the restoration project of the Episcopal Basilica in Plovdiv

Ambassadors from 19 countries, together with the Mayor of Plovdiv, Ivan Totev, spoke about the mosaics of the Episcopal Basilica of Plovdiv (Philippopolis), which has been restored in the framework of the excavation, restoration and presentation of the Roman mosaics, supported by the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation.

New Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain elected

The Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate unanimously elected Metropolitan Nikitas of Dardanelles as the new Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain, succeeding Archbishop Gregorios who retired as of Wednesday June 12, 2019.

Metropolitan Nikitas is the Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkeley, California.

Polish Church processes in honor of wonder-working Bielsk Icon of Mother of God

The Polish Church festively celebrated the miraculous Bielsk Icon of the Mother of God on Saturday and Sunday in Bielsk Podlaski in northeastern Poland, with the participation of several hierarchs, including the primate His Beatitude Metropolitan Sawa.

The feast began in the city’s oldest church—of the Nativity of the Mother of God—on the eve of the feast, with the All-Night Vigil celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Gregory of Bielsk and His Grace Bishop Barsanuphy of Siemiatycze and clergy of the Bielsk Deanery, reports the press service of the Polish Orthodox Church.

Pochaev Lavra begins 800th-anniversary of Holy Spirit Skete with consecration of new church

Celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the authoritative Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra’s Holy Spirit Skete began on Sunday and will last through June 17.

His Eminence Metropolitan Sergei of Ternopil and Kremenets kicked off the celebration by celebrating the great rite of consecration of the skete’s Iveron Church and the Divine Liturgy, reports the Lavra’s website.