Orthodox Churches

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria visited the city of Dolisie in Congo

On the morning of February 18, Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa, accompanied by Metropolitan Panteleimon of Brazzaville and Gabon and Bishop Theodoros of Babylonia, arrived in Dolisie, the third most populous city of the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville.

Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia received the Metropolitan of Boryspil in his residence

Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate of Moscow met with Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia. The meeting was held at the Patriarch’s residence in Tbilisi and was conducted in a warm climate. Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil was accompanied by the Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Mykolay Danylevych.

Donetsk Diocese declares its loyalty to canonical Ukrainian Church and primate

Despite the ongoing persecution and propaganda against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church that has only increasing since December 15’s “unification council” and the granting of a tomos of autocephaly to schismatics by Constantinople on January 6, its dioceses are remaining faithful to it. A number of them have already openly expressed their support for the Church’s canonical status as a self-governing autonomous body and for their primate His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine, and now the Donetsk Diocese has joined them.

Historical Inaguration of the Cathedral of St. Dimitrius in Pointe – Noire

The inauguration of the Holy Cathedral of St Dimitrius in Pointe-Noire was held on Sunday, February 17, 2019 by Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa. Metropolitan Panteleimon of Brazzaville and Gabon, Bishop Theodore of Babylon, and a number of believers participated.

Patriarchal Exarch for Southeast Asia celebrates Liturgy in the capital of Cambodia

On 15 February 2019, the Feast of the Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ, Metropolitan Sergy of Singapore and Southeast Asia, Patriarchal Exarch for Southeast Asia, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer in Phnom Penh during his archpastoral visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Alexandrian Patriarch arrives in Pointe-Noire

Alexandrian Patriarch arrives in Pointe-Noire
Alexandrian Patriarch arrives in Pointe-Noire
Alexandrian Patriarch arrives in Pointe-Noire
Alexandrian Patriarch arrives in Pointe-Noire

On 16th February 2019 His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, accompanied by His Eminence Panteleimon Metropolitan of Brazzaville and Gabon and His Grace Theodoros Bishop of Babylonos, arrived by air in Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo.

At the Augustino Neto International Airport His Beatitude was welcomed by His Excellency Mr. Alexandre Honoré Paka, the Clergy, the Senior military and civil authorities of the city and crowds of faithful.

The Primate of the Patriarchate of Alexandria then immediately went to the Parish Community of St Fotini in the Mpaka district where a Doxology was sung, following which he was addressed by the Chairman of the Parish Community Mr. Armand Michel Massa. His Beatitude gave the Chairman an award from the Patriarchal Throne for his multiple benefits to the Parish.

In the evening His Beatitude officiated at the Great Vespers of the Inauguration at the Holy Cathedral of St Dimitrios in Pointe-Noire, having first placed the holy relics on Holy Altar which was to be inaugurated.

The second day of His Beatitude the Patriarch’s presence in the Congo ended with a visit to the Diocese of the Holy Metropolis of Brazzaville and to the adjacent “Voice of Orthodoxy 96,8 FM” Radio Station and then to the residence of His Excellency the Governor of Pointe-Noire, for dinner.

Source: Patriarchate of Alexandria