Orthodox Churches

Albanian Church’s medical center has helped 1.5 million people since 1999

One of the first things that His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania did upon assuming the primatial throne in 1992 was to create crucial infrastructure for the medical care of Albanians, Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike, writes Fr. Elias Makos in an article posted on Romfea.

In 1994, Abp. Anastasios founded the first Orthodox clinic in Tirana, named in honor of St. Luke the Evangelist, which evolved in 1999 into the state-of-the-art Evangelismos Orthodox Diagnostic Center.

Twenty Six Children Baptized into the Mayan Orthodox Church in Guatemala

As part of the ongoing missionary works, 26 new kids were baptized into the Mayan Orthodox Chruch in Guatemala.

The Mayan Orthodox are a group of several thousand Guatemalans and Mexicans who came into the Orthodox Church in 2010 under the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico. They are called “Mayan” Orthodox because the majority of the converts (but not all) are descendants of the ancient Mayan groups who lived in Central America long before Europeans arrived. Speaking about the Mayans might seem like ancient history, but there are still millions of Mayan people who live in Central America and speak their native, Mayan languages to this day. Now, a huge group of those Mayans has entered the Orthodox Church.

Romanian Archdiocese of Timișoara invested $1 million+ in philanthropic services in 2018

In addition to its spiritual role, the Romanian Orthodox Church is a great philanthropic force in the Orthodox nation. For example, the Archdiocese of Timișoara in western Romania spent more than $1 million in social endeavors last year alone.

It was reported at the diocesan assembly on January 19 that 13,725 people were helped through the diocese’s various programs, reports the Metropolis of Banat.

Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) is consecrated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese

Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) is consecrated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese
Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) is consecrated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese
Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) is consecrated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese
Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) is consecrated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese

On Sunday, January 20, 2019. the feast day of St John the Forerunner, Archimandrite Alexander (Ecchevaria) was consecrated Bishop of Vevey at Elevation of the Cross Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland. The day before, after all-night vigil, at which His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany officiated along with His Grace Bishop Irenei of Richmond and Western Europe and His Grace Bishop Theodosius of Seattle, Fr Alexander was nominated Bishop of Vevey, Vicar of the Western European Diocese.

Patriarch of Jerusalem canceled meeting with Poroshenko

Though Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko intended to meet with His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem today during his working visit to Israel, the Patriarch ended up canceling the meeting, a source close to the Ukrainian delegation reported to both RIA-Novosti and TASS.

Supporters of Constantinople-recognized church structure in Ukraine capturing churches of Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Despite repeated statements of Ukrainian President P. Poroshenko that – in spite of the creation of a new church structure inspired with his participation – each person will be free to choose to which church to come and that there will be no forcible captures of monasteries, churches and other facilities, new reports keep coming about actions of radicals and local authorities aimed to effect a lawless transfer of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church parishes to the jurisdiction of the schismatic association which has received ‘autocephaly’ from Constantinople.